15 Scented Paperbark Riparian Thicket (EVC 59) - Full list

Climbers & Creepers


There are no epiphytes in this plant community.

Herbs & Groundcovers

  • Drosera hookeri (Pale Sundew) - Lower storey
  • Geranium potentilloides var. potentilloides (Soft Crane's-bill) - Lower storey
  • Viola hederacea (Ivy-leaf or Native Violet) - Lower storey
  • Acaena novae-zelandiae (Bidgee-widgee) - Lower storey
  • Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides (Shining Pennywort) - Lower storey
  • Lagenophora gracilis (Slender Lagenifera or Slender Bottle-daisy) - Lower storey
  • Geranium homeanum (Rainforest Crane's-bill) - Lower storey
  • Gonocarpus micranthus ssp. micranthus (Creeping Raspwort) - Lower storey
  • Xanthosia dissecta (Cut-leaf Xanthosia) - Lower storey
  • Coronidium gunnianum (Pale Swamp Everlasting) - Lower storey
  • Goodenia elongata (Lanky Goodenia) - Lower storey
  • Oxalis exilis (Shady Wood-sorrel) - Lower storey
  • Euchiton sphaericus (Star Cudweed) - Lower storey
  • Galium leiocarpum (Maori Bedstraw) - Lower storey
  • Galium binifolium ssp. conforme (Reflexed Bedstraw) - Lower storey
  • Drosera binata (Forked Sundew) - Lower storey
  • Stellaria flaccida (Forest Starwort) - Lower storey
  • Drosera spatulata (Rosy Sundew) - Lower storey
  • Astroloma humifusum (Cranberry Heath) - Lower storey
  • Gonocarpus tetragynus (Common Raspwort) - Lower storey
  • Euchiton involucratus (Star Cudweed) - Lower storey
  • Linum marginale (Native or Wild Flax) - Lower storey
  • Styphelia humifusa (Cranberry Heath) - Lower storey
  • Hydrocotyle pterocarpa (Wing Pennywort) - Lower storey
  • Stylidium armeria ssp. armeria (Common Trigger-plant) - Lower storey
  • Lobelia anceps (Angled Lobelia) - Lower storey
  • Gonocarpus humilis (Shade Raspwort) - Lower storey
  • Hypericum japonicum (Matted St. John's wort) - Lower storey
  • Dampiera stricta (Blue Dampiera) - Lower storey
  • Centella cordifolia (Centella) - Lower storey
  • Viola cleistogamoides (Hidden Violet) - Lower storey
  • Acrotriche prostrata (Trailing Ground-berry) - Lower storey
  • Opercularia varia (Variable Stinkweed) - Lower storey
  • Hydrocotyle hirta (Hairy Pennywort) - Lower storey
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    There are no mistletoes in this plant community.



  • Bossiaea cordigera (Wiry Bossiaea) - Lower storey
  • Sprengelia incarnata (Pink Swamp-heath) - Lower storey
  • Epacris rhombifolia (Mountain Coral Heath) - Lower storey
  • Dillwynia sericea (Showy Parrot-pea) - Lower storey
  • Dillwynia cinerascens (Grey Parrot-pea) - Lower storey
  • Amperea xiphoclada (Broom Spurge) - Lower storey
  • Senecio minimus (Shrubby Fireweed) - Lower storey
  • Acacia brownii (Heath Wattle) - Lower storey
  • Epacris impressa (Common Heath) - Lower storey
  • Olearia glandulosa (Swamp Daisy-bush) - Lower storey
  • Pultenaea hispidula (Rusty Bush-pea) - Lower storey
  • Pultenaea gunnii ssp. gunnii (Golden Bush-pea) - Lower storey
  • Bauera rubioides (Wiry Bauera, River or Dog Rose) - Lower storey
  • Gompholobium huegelii (Common Wedge-pea, Karalla) - Lower storey
  • Goodenia ovata (Hop Goodenia) - Lower storey
  • Epacris obtusifolia (Blunt-leaf Heath) - Lower storey
  • Acacia verticillata ssp. cephalantha (Prickly Moses) - Middle storey
  • Banksia spinulosa var. cunninghammii (Hairpin Banksia) - Middle storey
  • Kunzea leptospermoides (Yarra Burgan) - Middle storey
  • Ozothamnus ferrugineus (Tree Everlasting) - Middle storey
  • Leptospermum continentale (Prickly Teatree) - Middle storey
  • Coprosma quadrifida (Prickly Currant-bush) - Middle storey
  • Melaleuca squarrosa (Scented Paperbark) - Middle storey
  • Bursaria spinosa ssp. spinosa (Sweet Bursaria, Kurwan, Tupy) - Middle storey
  • Melicytus dentatus (Tree Violet) - Middle storey
  • Leptospermum lanigerum (Woolly Teatree) - Middle storey
  • Ozothamnus rosmarinifolius (Rosemary Everlasting) - Middle storey
  • Cassinia aculeata (Common Cassinia) - Middle storey
  • Hakea decurrens ssp. physocarpa (Bushy Needlewood) - Middle storey
  • Pultenaea forsythiana (Prickly Bush-pea) - Middle storey
  • Olearia lirata (Snow Daisy-bush) - Middle storey
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