07 Mountain Grey Gum - Central Highlands (EVC 29) - Full List

Aquatic & semi-aquatic

There are no aquatic or semi aquatic plants in this plant community.


Herbs & Groundcovers

  • Desmodium gunnii (Southern Tick-trefoil) - Lower storey
  • Hydrocotyle foveolata (Yellow Pennywort) - Lower storey
  • Mentha laxiflora (Forest Mint) - Lower storey
  • Gentianella polysperes (Early Forest Gentian) - Lower storey
  • Solanum prinophyllum (Forest Nightshade) - Lower storey
  • Geranium potentilloides var. potentilloides (Soft Crane's-bill) - Lower storey
  • Viola hederacea (Ivy-leaf or Native Violet) - Lower storey
  • Acaena novae-zelandiae (Bidgee-widgee) - Lower storey
  • Veronica notabilis (Forest Speedwell) - Lower storey
  • Plantago debilis (Slender or Shade Plantain) - Lower storey
  • Geranium homeanum (Rainforest Crane's-bill) - Lower storey
  • Hackelia latifolia (Forest Hound’s-tongue) - Lower storey
  • Hypericum gramineum (Small St John’s Wort) - Lower storey
  • Austrocynoglossum latifolium (Forest Hound’s-tongue) - Lower storey
  • Lagenophora stipitata (Common Lagenifera or Blue Bottle-daisy) - Lower storey
  • Pelargonium inodorum (Kopata) - Lower storey
  • Wahlenbergia gracilis (Sprawling Bluebell) - Lower storey
  • Ranunculus plebeius (Forest Buttercup) - Lower storey
  • Senecio velleioides (Forest Groundsel) - Lower storey
  • Galium leiocarpum (Maori Bedstraw) - Lower storey
  • Galium binifolium ssp. conforme (Reflexed Bedstraw) - Lower storey
  • Asperula euryphylla (Broad-leaf Woodruff) - Lower storey
  • Stellaria flaccida (Forest Starwort) - Lower storey
  • Leptinella filicula (Mountain Cotula) - Lower storey
  • Gonocarpus tetragynus (Common Raspwort) - Lower storey
  • Teucrium corymbosum (Forest Germander) - Lower storey
  • Ranunculus lappaceus (Common or Australian Buttercup) - Lower storey
  • Euchiton involucratus (Star Cudweed) - Lower storey
  • Epilobium billardierianum ssp. cinereum (Variable Willow-herb) - Lower storey
  • Geranium retrorsum (Grassland Cranesbill) - Lower storey
  • Utricularia uniflora (Single Bladderwort) - Lower storey
  • Veronica calycina (Hairy Speedwell) - Lower storey
  • Sigesbeckia orientalis (Indian Weed) - Lower storey
  • Gonocarpus teucrioides (Germander Raspwort) - Lower storey
  • Hydrocotyle geraniifolia (Forest Pennywort) - Lower storey
  • Lagenophora montana (Mountain Lagenifera) - Lower storey
  • Stylidium armeria ssp. armeria (Common Trigger-plant) - Lower storey
  • Dichondra repens (Kidney-weed) - Lower storey
  • Poranthera microphylla (Small Poranthera) - Lower storey
  • Gonocarpus humilis (Shade Raspwort) - Lower storey
  • Senecio pinnatifolius var. lanceolatus (Variable Groundsel) - Lower storey
  • Australina pusilla ssp. muelleri (Shade Nettle) - Lower storey
  • Oxalis perennans (Yellow Wood-sorrel) - Lower storey
  • Ajuga australis (Austral Bugle) - Lower storey
  • Scaevola aemula (Fairy Fan Flower) - Lower storey
  • Asperula scoparia (Prickly Woodruff) - Lower storey
  • Acrotriche prostrata (Trailing Ground-berry) - Lower storey
  • Senecio vagus ssp. vagus (Saw Groundsel) - Lower storey
  • Hydrocotyle hirta (Hairy Pennywort) - Lower storey
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  • Amyema quandang var. quandang (Grey Mistletoe) - Middle storey
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  • Daviesia ulicifolia ssp. ruscifolia (Gorse Bitter-pea) - Lower storey
  • Asterolasia asteriscophora ssp. asteriscophora (Lemon Star-bush) - Lower storey
  • Bossiaea cordigera (Wiry Bossiaea) - Lower storey
  • Phyllanthus gunnii (Shrubby Spurge) - Lower storey
  • Tetratheca ciliata (Pink-bells) - Lower storey
  • Olearia erubescens (Moth Daisy-bush) - Lower storey
  • Daviesia ulicifolia ssp. ulicifolia (Gorse Bitter-pea) - Lower storey
  • Acacia verticillata ssp. ovoidea (Ovoid Prickly Moses) - Lower storey
  • Richea continentis (Candle Heath) - Lower storey
  • Platylobium obtusangulum (Common Flat-pea) - Lower storey
  • Amperea xiphoclada (Broom Spurge) - Lower storey
  • Pultenaea muelleri (Mueller’s Bush-pea) - Lower storey
  • Solanum vescum (Gunyang) - Lower storey
  • Tetratheca stenocarpa (Long Pink-bells) - Lower storey
  • Senecio minimus (Shrubby Fireweed) - Lower storey
  • Senecio linearifolius var. denticulatus (Fireweed Groundsel) - Lower storey
  • Sambucus gaudichaudiana (White Elderberry) - Lower storey
  • Senecio linearifolius var. linearifolius (Fireweed Groundsel) - Lower storey
  • Veronica derwentiana ssp. derwentiana (Derwent Speedwell) - Lower storey
  • Olearia rugosa (Wrinkled Daisy-bush) - Lower storey
  • Correa reflexa var. lobatus (Common Correa) - Lower storey
  • Platylobium reflexum (Victorian Flat-pea) - Lower storey
  • Spyridium parvifolium (Dusty Miller) - Lower storey
  • Goodenia ovata (Hop Goodenia) - Lower storey
  • Acacia verticillata ssp. cephalantha (Prickly Moses) - Middle storey
  • Pomaderris elachophylla (Small-leaf or Lacy Pomaderris) - Middle storey
  • Kunzea leptospermoides (Yarra Burgan) - Middle storey
  • Pimelea ligustrina var. ligustrina (Tall Rice-flower) - Middle storey
  • Ozothamnus ferrugineus (Tree Everlasting) - Middle storey
  • Correa lawrenceana var. latrobeana (Mountain Correa) - Middle storey
  • Leptospermum continentale (Prickly Teatree) - Middle storey
  • Hovea asperifolia ssp. asperifolia (Mountain Beauty) - Middle storey
  • Coprosma quadrifida (Prickly Currant-bush) - Middle storey
  • Pimelea axiflora ssp. axiflora (Bootlace Bush) - Middle storey
  • Bursaria spinosa ssp. spinosa (Sweet Bursaria, Kurwan, Tupy) - Middle storey
  • Acacia verniciflua (Varnish Wattle) - Middle storey
  • Cassinia longifolia (Long-leaf or Shiny Cassinia) - Middle storey
  • Goodia lotifolia (Golden-tip) - Middle storey
  • Prostanthera melissifolia (Balm Mint-bush) - Middle storey
  • Leionema bilobum ssp. serrulatum (Notched Phebalium) - Middle storey
  • Pomaderris vacciniifolia (Round-leaf Pomaderris) - Middle storey
  • Acacia stictophylla (Cinnamon Wattle) - Middle storey
  • Daviesia latifolia (Hop Bitter-pea) - Middle storey
  • Cassinia aculeata (Common Cassinia) - Middle storey
  • Indigofera australis (Austral Indigo) - Middle storey
  • Polyscias sambucifolia ssp. 1 (Elderberry Panax) - Middle storey
  • Phebalium squamulosum ssp. squamulosum (Forest Phebalium) - Middle storey
  • Pultenaea mollis (Soft Bush-pea) - Middle storey
  • Polyscias sambucifolia ssp. 3 (Elderberry Panax) - Middle storey
  • Acacia mucronata ssp. longifolia (Narrow-leaf Wattle) - Middle storey
  • Tasmannia lanceolata (Mountain Pepper) - Middle storey
  • Pultenaea forsythiana (Prickly Bush-pea) - Middle storey
  • Oxylobium arborescens (Tall Oxylobium, Tall Shaggy Pea) - Middle storey
  • Goodia pubescens (Golden Tip) - Middle storey
  • Zieria arborescens ssp. arborescens (Stinkwood) - Middle storey
  • Hakea nodosa (Yellow Hakea) - Middle storey
  • Olearia lirata (Snow Daisy-bush) - Middle storey
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