
Pterostylis melagramma

Tall Greenhood

Perennial herb rising from round tubers, grows as scattered plants. Central sepal and petals united into a galea (hood) over the column and labellum (lip). Lateral sepals mostly joined, ending in fine points.

Additional information

  • SynonymPterostylis longifolia; Bunochilos melagrammus
  • FamilyOrchidaceae
  • StoreyLower storey
  • Size15-90 cm high
  • Plant groupingOrchids
  • Leaves5-8 dark green lance-shaped stem leaves 3-9 cm x 3-5 mm. Loose rosette of 3-6 stalked leaves to 25 mm x 10 mm on sterile plants only.
  • Flower colourShiny translucent green
  • Flowering timeMay to September
  • Flowers1-10 flowers to 15 mm wide, facing away from stem. Hood leaning forward, small tapering tip; petals flanged; lateral sepals drooping, brown-tipped tips incurved, to 4 mm; lip yellowish with black stripe, drooping.
  • Bird attractingNo
  • Butterfly attractingNo
  • Frog habitatNo
  • Growing conditionsMoist to well drained heavy to loamy soils in closed mountain forests, open forests and scrublands. Semi shade. Plants tend to grow close to eucalypt trunks.
  • Garden useUse of orchids in gardens is not recommended, unless they already occur naturally, in which case they need to be protected. Removing orchids from the bush usually results in their death and further depletes remaining wild orchid populations.
  • Commercially availableNever
  • Conservation statusWidespread within the Shire
  • Aboriginal Use Food - tuber
Photographer/s: 1, 5 Marilyn Bull ©; 2 Marty White/SYR ©; 3 Richard Hartlands ©; 4 Neil Blair, Royal Botanic Gardens Board ©

Plant Communities

  • 26 Red Stringybark Grassy Dry Forest - Middle Yarra (EVC 22)
  • 17 Messmate Herb-rich Foothill Forest (EVC 23)
  • 27 Red Stringybark Grassy Dry Forest - Dandenongs (EVC 22)
  • 22 Silver-leaf Stringybark Heathy Woodland (EVC 48)
  • 40 Snow Gum Grassy Woodland (EVC 175/37)
  • 19 Long-leaf Box Herb-rich Foothill Forest (EVC 23)
  • 28 Red Box Grassy Dry Forest - Christmas Hills (EVC 22)
  • 18 Messmate Shrubby Foothill Forest - Dandenongs (EVC 45)
  • 20 Messmate Lowland Forest (EVC 16)
  • 21 Broad-leaf Peppermint Heathy Dry Forest (EVC 20)
  • 06 Mountain Ash Wet Forest - Dandenongs (EVC 30)
  • 07 Mountain Grey Gum Damp Forest - Central Highlands (EVC 29)
  • 37 Yarra Gum Grassy Woodland (EVC 175)
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