
Cyanicula caerulea

Blue Fingers, Blue Fairies

Slender erect perennial growing from round tubers, forming small loose colonies. Stem hairy, green or reddish. Dies down in hot weather.

Additional information

  • SynonymCaladenia caerulea
  • FamilyOrchidaceae
  • StoreyLower storey
  • Size5-18 cm high
  • Plant groupingOrchids
  • LeavesSingle narrow sparsely hairy leaf 2-7 cm x 2-5 mm.
  • Flower colourDeep blue, paler outside
  • Flowering timeJuly to September
  • FlowersSingle flower to 25 mm across; sepals and petals similar, central sepal erect, others projecting forward like fingers. Lip 3-lobed with purple bands and a white to yellow tip, 2 rows of clubbed yellow warts down the centre.
  • Bird attractingNo
  • Butterfly attractingNo
  • Frog habitatNo
  • Growing conditionsWell drained soils on ridges and slopes in open forests. Semi shade.
  • Garden useUse of orchids in gardens is not recommended, unless they already occur naturally, in which case they need to be protected. Removing orchids from the bush usually results in their death and further depletes remaining wild orchid populations.
  • Commercially availableNever
  • Conservation statusSignificant within the Shire. Known from very few local sites. May be scattered but common in these sites.
  • Aboriginal Use Food - tuber
  • Related speciesSimilar to caladenias but flower is blue. Similar to Pheladenia deformis which is also blue but its labellum (lip) tip is blue instead of white or yellow and has 2 rows of stalkless warty projections (calli).
Photographer/s: Cathy Powers ©

Plant Communities

  • 25 Long-leaf Box Grassy Dry Forest - Southern Dandenongs (EVC 22)
  • 21 Broad-leaf Peppermint Heathy Dry Forest (EVC 20)
  • 46 Silvertop Ash Heathy Dry Forest (EVC 20)
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