
Scaevola aemula

Fairy Fan Flower

Prostrate or scrambling herb with stiff bristly yellowish hairs on stems.

Additional information

  • FamilyGoodeniaceae
  • StoreyLower storey
  • Sizeto 50 cm high
  • Plant groupingHerbs & Groundcovers <1m
  • LeavesDowny egg-shaped leaves, broader towards the tip, 1-9 cm x 4-30 mm, margins toothed.
  • Flower colourBright blue with yellow centres
  • Flowering timeSeptember to April
  • FlowersTerminal leafy spikes to 24 cm long of stalkless fan-shaped flowers, downy outside, bearded inside.
  • Bird attractingNo
  • Butterfly attractingNo
  • Frog habitatNo
  • Growing conditionsMoist loamy soils in open forest. Tolerates moderate frosts. Full sun, semi shade. Few scattered occurrences within the Shire.
  • Garden useAttractive scrambler or groundcover for small gardens, rockeries, containers and hanging baskets.
  • Commercially availableGenerally, however unlikely to be the local provenance.
  • Conservation statusSignificant within the Shire. Known from very few local sites.
Photographer/s: 1, 4 Russell Best, NatureShare ©; 2, 3 Marilyn Bull ©

Plant Communities

  • 40 Snow Gum Grassy Woodland (EVC 175/37)
  • 07 Mountain Grey Gum Damp Forest - Central Highlands (EVC 29)
  • 20 Messmate Lowland Forest (EVC 16)
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