
Microseris walteri

Yam Daisy, Murrnong

Perennial herb with a solitary turnip-like tuber, regenerating annually.

Additional information

  • SynonymMicroseris aff. lanceolata (Foothills), Microseris sp.3
  • FamilyAsteraceae
  • StoreyLower storey
  • Size15-50 cm x 15-25 cm
  • Plant groupingHerbs & Groundcovers <1m
  • LeavesDandelion-like tuft of thin, narrow, entire or lobed leaves 5-30 cm x 2-15 mm, lobes pointed and curved downwards.
  • Flower colourBright yellow
  • Flowering timepeaking September to March
  • FlowersSingle daisy flowerheads to 5.5 cm wide on stalks to 50 cm long. Bud is nodding (cf dandelions - bud is erect). Straw-coloured to blackish seeds with about 10 barbed white hairs.
  • Bird attractingNo
  • Butterfly attractingNectar for butterflies
  • Frog habitatNo
  • Growing conditionsWell drained soil in heathy forest. Frost tolerant. Semi-shade to dappled shade.
  • Garden useGrow under established trees in open forest or plant in containers.
  • Commercially availableAustralian plant & indigenous nurseries
  • Conservation statusSignificant within the Shire. Known currently from very few local sites although probably more common many years ago. Widespread in Victoria.
  • Aboriginal Use Food - yams were farmed and were a staple part of the diet
Photographer/s: 1, 2 Colleen Miller ©; 3,4 Neil Blair, Royal Botanic Gardens Board ©; 5 A.J Brown, Royal Botanic Gardens Board ©

Plant Communities

  • 30 Swamp Gum Swampy Riparian Woodland (EVC 83)
  • 31 Candlebark Grassy Forest (EVC 128)
  • 26 Red Stringybark Grassy Dry Forest - Middle Yarra (EVC 22)
  • 21 Broad-leaf Peppermint Heathy Dry Forest (EVC 20)
  • 27 Red Stringybark Grassy Dry Forest - Dandenongs (EVC 22)
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