Crassula decumbens var. decumbens
Spreading or Rufous Crassula
Succulent reddish annual herb with upright to spreading branches to 15cm long, sometimes rooting at the leaf nodes.
Additional information
- FamilyCrassulaceae
- StoreyLower storey
- Sizeprostrate to 8 cm high
- Plant groupingHerbs & Groundcovers <1m
- LeavesSmall narrow lance-shaped leaves 2.5-9 mm x 0.4-1.5 mm, tips pointed, convex on both sides..
- Flower colourWhite to cream
- Flowering timeAugust to November
- FlowersOne or more branched flowerheads of tiny stalked flowers in leaf axils of the 3 lowest nodes.
- Bird attractingNo
- Butterfly attractingNo
- Frog habitatNo
- Growing conditionsSeasonally moist to boggy soil. Semi shade.
- Garden useA tiny plant for a bog garden.
- Commercially availableNever
- Conservation statusRestricted distribution within the Shire, where it may be quite common. Widespread in Victoria.
Photo Gallery
Photographer/s: Peter Kinchington ©
Plant Communities