Tetrarrhena acuminata
Pointed Rice-grass
Weak scrambling perennial, spreading from underground stems.
Additional information
- FamilyPoaceae
- StoreyLower storey
- Sizestems to 1 m long
- Plant groupingGrasses, Rushes & Sedges
- LeavesFlat leaves 2-7 cm x 2-5 mm, arranged in 2 rows, smooth to slightly rough.
- Flower colourGreen or purplish
- Flowering timeOctober to March
- Flowers4-12 one-flowered spikelets arranged in 2 rows in a spike-like flowerhead 1.5-5 cm long; spikelets 7-13 mm with raised veins, tapering upper sterile floral bract.
- Bird attractingNo
- Butterfly attractingNo
- Frog habitatNo
- Growing conditionsMoist to wet soils in heathland or along watercourses. Dappled shade.
- Garden usePlant in moist depressions or by shaded water areas for habitat.
- Commercially availableNever
- Conservation statusSignificant within the Shire. Known from very few local sites where it may be abundant. Uncommon outside the Shire boundary.
Photo Gallery
Photographer/s: 1 A. Barley, Royal Boanic Gardens Board ©; 2 Simon, B.K. & Alfonso, Y. 2011. AusGrass2, ausgrass2.myspecies.info ©
Plant Communities