Lepidosperma filiforme
Common Rapier-sedge
Slender tufted perennial sedge, spreading by very short underground stems. Flowering stems rigid, erect, rounded to 2mm diam.
Additional information
- FamilyCyperaceae
- StoreyLower storey
- Sizestems 0.3-1 m high
- Plant groupingGrasses, Rushes & Sedges
- LeavesLeaves shorter than flowering stems, rounded to 1 mm diam, channelled near base, sometimes reduced to dull, straw-coloured to reddish leaf sheaths.
- Flower colourLight brown to red-brown
- Flowering timeSpring to Summer
- FlowersNarrow to fan-shaped, erect or spreading flower spike 1-12 cm long; central stem zigzagging; leaf-like bract at base of flower shorter than flowerhead. Small spikelets. Nut smooth, shiny, grey-green to red-brown.
- Bird attractingSeeds
- Butterfly attractingNo
- Frog habitatNo
- Growing conditionsMoist soils in heathy woodlands and open forests. Semi shade.
- Garden useAn interesting slender sedge for moist areas and beside pools and water areas.
- Commercially availableIndigenous nursery
- Conservation statusLocally common within its preferred growing conditions
Photo Gallery
Photographer/s: Marilyn Bull ©
Plant Communities