Lachnagrostis filiformis
Common Blown-grass
Annual or biennial grass, tufted or spreading from short underground stems. Flowering stems erect, often bent at base.
Additional information
- SynonymLachnagrostis filiformis var. 1, Agrostis avenacea
- FamilyPoaceae
- StoreyLower storey
- Sizeto 25 cm high, stems to 80 cm high
- Plant groupingGrasses, Rushes & Sedges
- LeavesNarrow, flat or folded leaves to 25 cm x 3.5 mm.
- Flower colourPale green, sometimes with purple markings
- Flowering timeSeptember to January
- FlowersLoose finely-branched flowerhead to 30 cm long, bunched by a leaf sheath, spreading once mature. Mature spikelets to 4.5 mm long, on shorter stalks; lower floral bract hairy, 4 tiny teeth at top, bristle from middle, bent.
- Bird attractingNo
- Butterfly attractingNo
- Frog habitatNo
- Growing conditionsSeasonally wet soils in swampy sites and disturbed areas. Full sun, semi shade.
- Garden useA fine grass for underplanting. The flowerhead breaks off at its base once mature and blows around.
- Commercially availableNever
- Conservation statusLocally common within its preferred growing conditions
- Related speciesThe flowerhead of Lachnagrostis filiformis remains green whereas L. palustris (syn. filiformis var. 2) has distinctly purple flowerheads. The flowerhead becomes spreading in late maturity. More robust plants are regarded as Lachnagrostis palustris. Both L. filiformis and L. palustris are noted as occurring together in Yellingbo.
Photo Gallery
Photographer/s: 1-3, 5, 6 Marilyn Bull ©; 4 Ian Clarke, Royal Botanic Gardens Board ©
Plant Communities