
Juncus prismatocarpus ssp. prismatocarpus

Branching Rush

Tufted perennial rush spreading from underground stems. Erect or straggling leafy stems, new shoots sometimes rising from nodes.

Additional information

  • FamilyJuncaceae
  • StoreyLower storey
  • Size20-60 cm x 10-30 cm
  • Plant groupingGrasses, Rushes & Sedges
  • LeavesLeaves mostly along stems, shorter than flowering stems, 1-5.5 mm wide, flattened, hollow, several inner tubes each partitioned. Rounded ear-like lobes at tip of leaf sheath margins.
  • Flower colourPale, reddish-tinged
  • Flowering timeAll year
  • FlowersBranched flowerhead with 4-70 distinct clusters of 4-40 flowers; 3 stamens. Main bract shorter than flowerhead. Capsules light brown, angled, tapering to a point, longer than flowers.
  • Bird attractingSeeds
  • Butterfly attractingNo
  • Frog habitatYes
  • Growing conditionsSeasonally wet soils on floodplains and in riparian communities. Semi shade.
  • Garden useAlong the edges of water features where plants remain moist.
  • Commercially availableNo information available
  • Conservation statusLocally common within its preferred growing conditions
Photographer/s: 1, 3-5 Neil Blair, Royal Botanic Gardens Board ©; 2 M. Fagg ©, Australian National Botanic Gardens

Plant Communities

  • 30 Swamp Gum Swampy Riparian Woodland (EVC 83)
  • 08 Mountain Grey Gum Damp Forest – Dandenongs (EVC 29)
  • 12 Manna Gum Riparian Forest - Dandenongs (EVC 18)
  • 13 Manna Gum Riparian Forest - Upper Yarra (EVC 18)
  • 11 Manna Gum Riparian Forest - Central Highlands (EVC 18)
  • 22 Silver-leaf Stringybark Heathy Woodland (EVC 48)
  • 34 Manna Gum Floodplain Riparian Woodland (EVC 56)
  • 35 Floodplain Wetland Complex (EVC 172)
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