
Isolepis hookeriana


Tufted annual sedge with thread-like flowering stems.

Additional information

  • FamilyCyperaceae
  • StoreyLower storey
  • Sizeto 12 cm high
  • Plant groupingGrasses, Rushes & Sedges
  • LeavesLeaves reduced to tiny bristles to 10 mm long. Leafy bract below flowerhead shorter than to slightly larger than flowerhead.
  • Flower colourStraw coloured to dark red-brown
  • Flowering timeAugust to February
  • FlowersFlowerheads of 1-4 slanted spikelets 1.5-5 mm long. Lower bracts spirally arranged, rounded with point, veins absent or 1-2. Style 3-branched. Nut round, white to blackish, ridged.
  • Bird attractingNo
  • Butterfly attractingNo
  • Frog habitatYes
  • Growing conditionsSeasonally moist soils in riparian forests and swamp scrubs. Semi shade and dappled shade.
  • Garden useA little tuft for edges of dams and water areas.
  • Commercially availableNever
  • Conservation statusLocally common within its preferred growing conditions
Photographer/s: 1, 2 Richard Hartland ©; 3 Flora of Warrandyte ©

Plant Communities

  • 30 Swamp Gum Swampy Riparian Woodland (EVC 83)
  • 22 Silver-leaf Stringybark Heathy Woodland (EVC 48)
  • 13 Manna Gum Riparian Forest - Upper Yarra (EVC 18)
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