Fimbristylis velata
Veiled Fringe-sedge
Densely tufted annual sedge. Flowering stems flattened, to 1mm wide. 1-4 hairy, leaf-like bracts at base of flowerhead, shorter than or equal to length of flowerhead.
Additional information
- FamilyCyperaceae
- StoreyLower storey
- Size5-25 cm high
- Plant groupingGrasses, Rushes & Sedges
- LeavesLeaves shorter than flowering stem, soft hairs on sheaths.
- Flower colourStraw-coloured
- Flowering timeSpring to Summer
- FlowersFlowerhead consists of many single egg-shaped spikelets to 7 mm long on branches to 5 cm long; spikelet bracts ending in a small tip curved back.
- Bird attractingNo
- Butterfly attractingNo
- Frog habitatYes
- Growing conditionsWet soil and mud in seasonally wet depressions. Full sun, semi shade.
- Garden useSmall annual for bog gardens.
- Commercially availableNever
- Conservation statusRare in Victoria with few known populations. Known from a single population in the Yarra flats area.
Photo Gallery
Photographer/s: 1 Ian Sluiter, Royal Botanic Gardens Board ©; 2 John Tann ©
Plant Communities