Abrodictyum caudatum Jungle Bristle-fern Erect, tufted epiphytic fern with layered segments, on a short creeping or sub-erect rooting stem (rhizome). Stem short, dark brown.
Asplenium bulbiferum ssp. gracillimum Mother Spleenwort Tufted epiphytic perennial with erect or, more usually, weeping fronds. Bulbils often form on ends of fronds, producing new plantlets. Spreads from short thick branching stems.
Asplenium flaccidum Weeping Spleenwort Tufted weeping epiphytic fern spreading from short thick stems.
Cyathophorum bulbosum False Fern-moss A fern-like epiphytic or lithophytic moss growing horizontally out from tree trunks.
Dicranolama menziesii Ming's Fingers Delicate epiphytic moss forming large wispy mid to dark green clumps. Stems sickle-shaped at the ends.
Hymenophyllum australe Austral Filmy-fern Erect epiphytic or lithophytic fern, fronds scattered along the rhizome, on a fine, wiry creeping rooting stem (rhizome), forming dense mats. Prominent wrinkled green wing to base of green to brown stem.
Hymenophyllum cupressiforme Common Filmy-fern Epiphytic or lithophytic fern, weakly erect fronds arching over at tips, scattered along the rhizome, on a creeping rooting stem (rhizome) to form dense mats. Dark brown stem.
Hymenophyllum flabellatum Shiny Filmy-fern Weeping epiphytic fern, fronds scattered along the rhizome, on a fine, wiry creeping rooting stem (rhizome), forming dense curtains. Tuft of straw-coloured hairs at base of shiny dark brown stem.
Hymenophyllum peltatum Alpine Filmy-fern Erect to drooping epiphytic or lithophytic fern, fronds scattered along the rhizome, on a fine creeping rooting stem (rhizome). Stem shining, dark brown. Fertile and sterile segments dissimilar.
Hymenophyllum rarum Narrow Filmy Fern Weeping epiphytic fern, fronds crowded or scattered along the rhizome, on a thread-like creeping rooting stem (rhizome). Few hairs at base of dark brown stem.
Microsorum pustulatum ssp. pustulatum Kangaroo Fern Climbing epiphytic or lithophytic fern, fronds erect to pendant, widely separated. Long creeping fleshy grey-green rhizome (rooting stem).
Notogrammitis angustifolia ssp. nothofageti Finger-fern Epiphytic or lithophytic fern, fronds crowded together. Rooting stem (rhizome) very short. Stem very short and winged. Occurring as solitary plant or few plants, slightly more erect than G. billardierei.
Notogrammitis billardierei Common Finger-fern Erect epiphytic or lithophytic fern, fronds crowded together. Rooting stem (rhizome) very short. Stem very short and winged.
Notogrammitis heterophylla Gipsy Fern Weeping epiphytic fern, fronds crowded together in a tuft. Rooting stem (rhizome) short. Stem short and winged, scaly at base.
Polyphlebium venosum Veined Bristle-fern Delicate weeping epiphytic fern with scattered fronds along the creeping thread-like rooting stem (rhizome). Thread-like stems.
Pyrrosia rupestris Rock Felt-fern Erect epiphytic or lithophytic fern, fertile and sterile fronds dissimilar. Spreads on long creeping branching stem (rhizome) densely covered in light brown papery scales. Young stems hairy.
Rumohra adiantiformis Leathery Shield-fern Erect or drooping epiphytic fern on creeping branched stems (rhizomes). Fronds leathery, glossy, spaced along rhizome
Tmesipteris obliqua Long Fork-fern Weeping epiphytic fern ally with narrow unbranched leafy stems. Branching rooting stem (rhizome) but no true roots. Groove in lower section of stem. Plant grows for more than one season.
Tmesipteris ovata Oval Fork-fern Weeping epiphytic fern ally with narrow leafy stems, unbranched, or branched once. Branching rooting stem (rhizome) but no true roots. Matures in one season.
Tmesipteris parva Small Fork-fern Weeping epiphytic fern ally with narrow unbranched leafy stems. Branching rooting stem (rhizome) but no true roots. Matures in one season.