
Rumex bidens

Mud Dock

Perennial herb rooting from lower stem nodes, forming extensive floating mats, emergent stems erect. Stem hollow, swollen.

Additional information

  • FamilyPolygonaceae
  • StoreyLower storey
  • Size0.3-0.8 m high
  • Plant groupingAquatic & Semi aquatic
  • LeavesNarrow lance-shaped leaves with wavy margins to 20 cm x 3 cm on long stalks, becoming smaller and stalkless up the stem.
  • Flower colourGreen
  • Flowering timeMost of the year, especially October to February
  • FlowersErect flowering stem to 50 cm high. Clusters of tiny flowers in separated rings along stem.
  • Bird attractingNo
  • Butterfly attractingNo
  • Frog habitatNo
  • Growing conditionsAquatic or semi-aquatic on the margins of lakes and billabongs, slow-moving water and wet depressions. Full sun, semi shade.
  • Garden useUse along dam and pond walls in mud or shallow water.
  • Commercially availableWholesale only - order in advance
  • Conservation statusSignificant within the Shire. Known from few local sites. More common outside the Shire boundary.
Photographer/s: 1, 3 Ken Harris ©; 4 M. Moir, Royal Botanic Gardens Board ©; 2, 5 Colleen Miller ©

Plant Communities

  • 11 Manna Gum Riparian Forest - Central Highlands (EVC 18)
  • 35 Floodplain Wetland Complex (EVC 172)
  • 39 Sedge Wetland Complex (EVC 136)
  • 41 Swamp Paperbark Riparian Thicket (EVC 59)
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