
Myriophyllum verrucosum

Red Water-milfoil

Sparsely branched perennial herb, rooting at leaf nodes. Submerged and emergent leaves different. Plants growing in mud stunted and fertile, sterile in fast-moving and deep water.

Additional information

  • FamilyHaloragaceae
  • StoreyLower storey
  • Sizestems 0.1-1.5 m
  • Plant groupingAquatic & Semi aquatic
  • LeavesSubmerged - 6-12 mm long in rings of 3-4, round leaves divided to midrib with narrow segments like teeth on a comb; Emergent - blue-green to reddish-purple in rings of 3-4, lower leaves ferny, lance-shaped, 3-9 mm, becoming entire.
  • Flower colourMale - yellow
  • Flowering timeAll year
  • FlowersSingle stalkless male and female flowers in upper leaf axils. Minute sepals and petals on female flowers, white stigmas. Fruit cubic, straw-coloured, red or grey.
  • Bird attractingNo
  • Butterfly attractingNo
  • Frog habitatYes
  • Growing conditionsAquatic to a depth of about 2 m in permanent water or semi-aquatic in swamps and mud. Full sun, semi-shade. Rare within the Shire.
  • Garden useInteresting plant for muddy to wet areas. Grow in and beside pools and dams.
  • Commercially availableWholesale only - order in advance
  • Conservation statusSignificant within the Shire. Known from few local sites. More common outside the Shire boundary.
Photographer/s: 1 Murray Fagg © Australian National Botanic Garden; 2, 3 Richard Hartland ©

Plant Communities

  • 47 Open Water - Reservoirs, lakes, etc (EVC 718)
  • 35 Floodplain Wetland Complex (EVC 172)
  • 39 Sedge Wetland Complex (EVC 136)
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