Myriophyllum crispatum
Upright Water-milfoil
Robust erect perennial herb with soft curly hairs on stems and leaf bases, rooting at leaf nodes. Submerged and emergent leaves different.
Additional information
- FamilyHaloragaceae
- StoreyLower storey
- Size0.25-0.6 m high
- Plant groupingAquatic & Semi aquatic
- LeavesSubmerged - egg-shaped, 10-40 mm long in rings of 5-8, leaves divided to midrib with close narrow segments like teeth on a comb; Emergent - rings of 6-9, decreasing from broadly lance-shaped and divided to toothed, to needle-like & entire to 20 mm.
- Flower colourCream to reddish-brown male flowers
- Flowering timeOctober to April
- FlowersSingle stalkless male and female flowers in upper leaf axils. Female flowers lack sepals and petals, white stigmas. Fruit cubic, yellow-brown to dark red.
- Bird attractingNo
- Butterfly attractingNo
- Frog habitatYes
- Growing conditionsAquatic to a depth of 1 m or semi-aquatic in swamps and mud and still to slow flowing streams. Full sun, semi-shade.
- Garden useInteresting plant for muddy to wet areas. Grow in pools and dams.
- Commercially availableIndigenous nursery
- Conservation statusLocally common within its preferred growing conditions
Photo Gallery
Photographer/s: 1, 3 Colleen Miller ©; 2 Peter Kinchington ©
Plant Communities