Amphibromus archeri
Pointed Swamp Wallaby-grass
Tufted perennial grass.
Additional information
- FamilyPoaceae
- StoreyLower storey
- Sizeto 30 cm high, stems to 1.5 m high
- Plant groupingAquatic & Semi aquatic
- LeavesFlat to inrolled narrow, roughish leaves to 35 cm x 2.5-5 mm.
- Flower colourGreen to purple
- Flowering timeOctober to January
- FlowersOpen erect flowerhead to 35 cm. Spikelets to 18 mm have 3-7 florets. Lemma (lower bract of floret) - 4 teeth on top, inner 2 purple, ending in small bristle; bristle projecting from mid lemma to 18 mm long, bent; base tufted.
- Bird attractingNo
- Butterfly attractingNo
- Frog habitatYes
- Growing conditionsMoist to wet swampy soil or shallow water. Full sun, semi shade.
- Garden useBeside water features and in bog gardens, provided it does not dry out.
- Commercially availableRarely
- Conservation statusSignificant within the Shire. Known from very few local sites. Uncommon in Victoria.
Photo Gallery
Photographer/s: 1, 2 Helen Moss ©; 3 A. Barley, Royal Botanic Gardens Board ©
Plant Communities