Walk Bour-deet

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Caption: Artists Aunty Kim Wandin and Chris Joy with Jason Waterhouse from Sculpture Co. Aunty Kim is creating the markings on Bour-deet. Learn more about Bour-deet below.

Artist narrative of Bour-deet

Cumbungi/bullrush, Typha domingensis and orientalis

Stainless Steel, Aluminium and Lomandra

Aunty Kim Wandin and Christine Joy

Bour-deet provided a staple food for Aboriginal people of South Eastern Victoria. The valuable starch found in tubers can be baked into bread, and the root can be eaten fresh when tender. Bour-deet leaves and roots provide fibre for bilang (string and bags).

At Coranderrk, Bour-deet would have been an important source of fibre for the basket-making industry run by the Aboriginal women, and which generated important funds into the community.

This sculpture honours the women of Coranderrk, especially Granny Jemima Wandin, Aunty Kim’s great grandmother, who was not only a master-weaver, but an ambassador, negotiating actively for the rights of her community.

As a riparian plant Bour-deet filters and cleans the water as it flows along creeks and rivers. This process is called biofiltration. In this waterway through the industrial estate, you can see how Bour-deet and another reed, Phragmites (common reed), remnant, indigenous plants, are growing in and along the creek.

Active observations of our plant species help give us greater knowledge and respect for all things Country.

The markings on Bour-deet, which are inspired by William Barak’s artworks, are symbolic of Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Bagurrk (women) moving across Biik (Country) to gather Bour-deet (cumbungi) to weave together binak (baskets) and bilang (string bags).

Aunty Kim dedicates this work to her Nana Ollie and Granny Jemima who passed their weaving knowledge onto her.

The Artists: Aunty Kim Wandin and Chris Joy work together to create experiences that invite you to connect with the layers of Country, and that are designed to embrace and nurture through the various qualities of Country.Web Page Banners (4).png


Walking. Good for mind, body and spirit. Explore and experience the Wurundjeri sculpture Bour-deet. Learn more about the Art and Sole project.

Please Note: Some of these locations may reside on private property and cannot be accessed to view. Please remain only on the walking path when exploring Walk Bour-deet.

Discover and Walk Bour-deet Trail