Still Life is looking for authentic experiences of life in the Yarra Ranges during Covid-19, so submissions are open to most forms of artistic expression. Share a snapshot of your experience in an image, a video, a voice recording, a poem, a song, a rap – even a single word! You can submit photos of your kids returning to school, or a recording of a socially-distanced birthday. Perhaps you created a fantastic recipe for fruit toast that you really want to share, or you want to talk about the impact of Covid-19 on your business.
If you're looking for inspiration, take a look at the Still Life submission page or take a look at our weekly creative prompts on Facebook. Share your experience by adding #stilllifeyarraranges to your image caption, or use it in the search bar to check out what others have shared.
Most common file types can be submitted, including:
Make sure you read the Terms & Conditions before submitting.