New Normal – an original composition by musician Edward Willoughby
'During lockdown, my worlds collided, with my creative space and my work-from-home space existing side by side, after some creative rearranging. This video depicts the two worlds neatly overlapping, with my desk tucked in a little nook behind the piano. From here I shared some of my music with my team at Yarra Ranges during Zoom meetings, finding ways to be creative and productive.'
'Ella (aged 5) and Ed (aged 3) enjoying their new exercise. No soccer, gymnastics or swimming so have to keep finding ways to make it interesting!' – Leah Burgess
'Nia class is about joy, fitness and community. I have been dancing with these women for many years, so it was extra special to see everyone for the first time and to dance outdoors – very special! We are usually indoors for classes.' – Jacinta Birchall
'This song is written about those feelings of loneliness and isolation during the lockdown. It’s ultimately a time of restlessness and yet self-reflection.' Tali, singing and playing on the guitar with younger sister Jayda accompanying with vocals.
We rewrote the words of the Beatle's song Two of Us to reflect how we were feeling in lockdown; isolated from others but together at home, playing music and singing. We wore purple to celebrate and support members of the LGBTQIA+ Community.