"Come and meet me in the middle of the Air". There has been a lot of fear and uncertainty about since COVID-19 spread throughout the world. Many people are alone and frightened. I was inspired to paint something I hoped would bring comfort and reassurance. I needed a way to connect to others and send out love and hope to those suffering and lonely. I like to think of this big Angel protecting and looking after us. S/he could be the personification of the Yarra Ranges embracing all of us. By Dakini Maddock
Fairy houses are springing up in Warburton 1
Fairy houses are springing up in Warburton 2
Fairy houses are springing up in Warburton 3
While walking with my daughter as the only legal way we can catch up during lockdown, we passed this little group of decorated spoons outside Healesville Primary School. I looked it up when I got home and found it is a global idea started in England as a way for children to be creative and connect through the pandemic. I loved it! By Karen Roberts
Meet the family from the other side of the cutlery draw. The FoRkYeWs from Forksville. Join our rEbEl FaCtIoN. By Trevor Mays
Spoonville, spotted in Mooroolbark
Spoonville, spotted in Chirnside Village
Spoonville, spotted in Seville
‘A memoir of farewell’ was painted in memory of two people very close to my heart who sadly passed away during the COVID-19 lockdown. In a time where formal goodbyes were limited to a handful of people, I dove into poetry. Writing and painting have always been a refuge, a guiding light for times like these. By Belinda Rogers. Read Belinda’s memoir on the ‘Words and stories’ page
Online schooling lacks the 'people' factor – my teenagers have just about had enough. So close to disengaging from school altogether. Thank God for art. My girls have taken over the lounge room to work on a piece of art together. So glad I had all the materials at hand.
We walked around the block every day during lockdown #1 and enjoyed seeing the various gardens. Our cat had company everyday. More craft time was available because we couldn't go anywhere and had to use what we had.
Masks made by the Craft Group from Tudor Village Lilydale
The Craft Group made masks for residents and their families
My granddaughters and myself live on a busy street where many people walk past to go to the shops. We know that creating four pictures of animals in masks and placing them in the front yard would bring a smile to faces – which it has. By Leonie Larkins
My beautiful friend Jack the rabbit, left us to bunk with all rabbits in the middle of lockdown. He showed me how to walk softly, and speak rabbit. Thanks to fellow artist Clare James, I taught myself embroidery. By Amanda Ruck
Painting Rainbows Tyler rang ‘All the children here are putting rainbows in their windows Nanna Pa. Mum says it’s to make people feel happy. I’m going outside to paint one now.’ Image by Sunderai Felich
Penpals Forever ‘I’m drawing another picture for Nanna and Pa’ Tyler tells his mum.’ We have become penpals throughout isolation. ‘I want to be Penpals forever.’ Image by Sunderai Felich
Not being a big fan of crowds I don't usually go to the Belgrave Lantern Parade but this year I was able to enjoy it at my leisure, strolling along with a hot chocolate in hand. Perhaps the future might be a combination of both?
Thanks to fellow artist Clare James for providing a very broad template, I continued my embroiery to include some cheeky friends. This is Lil Foxetta. By Amanda Ruck
The Covid 19 lock down has given me a chance to pursue my hobby of making model aeroplanes, I am currently working on my 3rd model which is a Tiger Moth. By Bill Smart
The news of the latest lockdown prompted my sixyear- old son to draw a picture of him poking the coronavirus with a pencil and saying, “Sorry virus. Have to find a new home”. By Jenny Hall
Lock down inspired me to take up making flying model aeroplanes which I did as a youngster. This is the newest, my own design. A control line stunt model, 32 inch wingspan, 1960 Taipan 2.5cc diesel engine. By Mark Smith
Posting mail to school friends, building LEGO towns and daily walks making wishes on fairies. By Emily Kennedy
Image by Lucy Fogarty
The correlation of a slower paced life and a healthier lifestyle which was provided by The Covid 19 Pandemic. By Kirsten Laken.
Read 'My Life in Lockdown' for Kirsten's Covid-19 perspective. By Kirsten Laken.
Abundant garden produce and it was suddenly harder share with friends. So a preserving and cooking frenzy. Image by Karen Meuleman
Normalising the mask phenomenon for a small person.
The owner of local business Le Boatwood put a call out to the community and offered to make masks for anyone who wanted one at no cost. She made this film of herself doing it for the amusement of herself and others.