Remote Art Teaching from home with assistant Zak the Jack Russell Terrior in my lap.
My children had the pleasure of attending one of the many online School Holiday Programs offered by Council. They were asked to dress up (captured in this photo) and had a ball sharing jokes and participating in some wonderful guessing games. Such a breath of fresh air for kids struggling to keep themselves active and engaged during lock down. By Jeff Harris
And so we walked, day in and day out because our beautiful environment couldn’t feel our fear or judge our pain and in a time of such uncertainty it was liberating. By Stephanie Reynolds
#putoutyourbins. By Julie Gilder
Usually Sundays in Warburton are brimming with visitors, with a steady stream of cars on the Warburton Highway. It was a beautiful day, but due to Stage 4 restrictions, there were not too many people out and about. By Suyin Chan
"Kimba", a new family member for lockdown
We walked around the block every day during lockdown #1 and enjoyed seeing the various gardens. Our cat had company everyday. More craft time was available because we couldn't go anywhere and had to use what we had.
My granddaughters and myself live on a busy street where many people walk past to go to the shops. We know that creating four pictures of animals in masks and placing them in the front yard would bring a smile to faces – which it has. By Leonie Larkins
Hitting the pause button has meant more time spent exploring our backyard and priceless time together. Image by Kate Williams
Through the Window FaceTime wasn’t enough. We had to see our grandchildren. On arrival Tyler and Ellie opened their parent’s bedroom window. Excitedly jumping up and down, “Hi Nanna Pa”. By Sunderai Felich
COVID-19 and being socially isolated helped me appreciate spending time with my son and exploring the wonderful green areas of the Yarra Ranges we hadn’t discovered yet.
Home Schooling during Coronavirus Pandemic. By Ben Smith
"I don't like tights!" Amelie happily returning to school but unhappily returning to the school uniform. Image by April Paterson
Home School, a Practical Activity by Ben Smith
My beautiful 5 year old Labrador Lucy helping me work from home. Image by Nicole Stebbing
My working from home assistant – Lucy.
The comfort my dog brings me is life-building. Image by Rob Sibbing
Painting Rainbows Tyler rang ‘All the children here are putting rainbows in their windows Nanna Pa. Mum says it’s to make people feel happy. I’m going outside to paint one now.’ Image by Sunderai Felich
Penpals Forever ‘I’m drawing another picture for Nanna and Pa’ Tyler tells his mum.’ We have become penpals throughout isolation. ‘I want to be Penpals forever.’ Image by Sunderai Felich
Harry joining us for our Stand Up Paddleboarding lessons on Lillydale Lake. He likes to walk around on the boards during SUP Yoga sessions to really test everyone’s balance! Image by Kerrie Edwards
Remote learning. By Justin Stephens
A sunny autumn day. By Justin Stephens
Walks with my guide on the Coldstream trail. Image by Melissa Danher
Our pets were the real winners during COVID-19. Every day was the day to enjoy having the humans around, but the constant walks made Molly tired. By Meagan Whelan
Verso Books sign. By Elysa Sorahan
Running around the oval, keeping fitness up with my daughter during COVID lockdown. Been running and keeping fit to fill in time during COVID to relax, keep fit, keep up mental health. By Melissa Danher
During COVID my daughter missed out in her dance classes in the studio. She learned from videos supplied from the teachers via a Dropbox. It was getting harder to keep Molly motivated over this time as she is an only child. One of the weeks challenges set was to take some photos of you (the child) dancing. As a designer/photographer with no work during COVID it was our time to shine. We have limited garden space but wanted to catch the autumn vibe that we couldn’t get from the indoors. By Steven Hendry
Physically distancing whilst staying social. At Lilydale Lake. By Caroline Drury
Not being able to see friends in person took us back to a time of snail mail and quality family time. By Emily Kennedy
Dad trying to help a 4 year old understand why our local playgrounds are closed. By Emma Dickman
The crazy faces of boys safe at home for weeks on end. By Melissa Berger
During isolation we ensured that we took time family walks and really enjoyed nature as much as we could.
Kissy bucks and Tonka Trucks. For the full story by Michaela Alcorn, visit the Still Life Stories page.
Trying to wear a mask and a dummy at the same time!
Jaimie & William from Milwarra Primary School learn from home
Mater Christi College Belgrave embrace virtual learning
Students from Mater Christi College in Belgrave introduce their pets to the class
First walk with the dog and face mask! By Kate Williams
I run my business YV Signs from 'The Garage' Main St, Healesville. The last few months I have had to home school my girls from my shop while I work. Every now and then Tommy from Hearth Galleries drops in to see how they are going with their online schooling, but mostly for pats. By Brad Charman
Normalising the mask phenomenon for a small person.
Due to COVID-19 we can’t attend playgroup or jimbaroo so we are enjoying playing and learning at home. By Ashlea Dillon
'Grandparents and grandkids reunited after a 10 week hiatus.'
'Ella (aged 5) and Ed (aged 3) enjoying their new exercise. No soccer, gymnastics or swimming so have to keep finding ways to make it interesting!' – Leah Burgess