Art and Sole

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Walking on Country, connecting with our history, nurturing our body, mind and soul.

Art and Sole is a VicHealth funded joint project between Yarra Ranges Council, Inspiro and key community stakeholders, the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Aboriginal Corporation and the Lilydale Historical Society.

Art and Sole provides the community with opportunities to explore, connect and move around Lilydale West.

Starting at Poyner Reserve, explore and experience the Wurundjeri story of Bour-deet. Use the seven wayfinding signs to explore the nine local walking trails of various lengths and levels. These walks connect with other well-known trails in Lilydale and local services including schools, the shopping precinct and Lilydale Station.

Enjoy the journey around Lilydale West, reading or listening to stories about Lilydale’s rich Wurundjeri culture and local history. Walking can take you places you can’t find by car.

Increase your connection to Country, increase your connection with community and enjoy walking for good health. 

Explore, Connect and Move

Use the wayfinding signage and QR codes to connect to Lilydale's rich culture and history. Learn more about the Art and Sole walking trails and Wurundjeri art here.

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Walking in Yarra Ranges

Walking is a great way to improve or maintain overall health and wellbeing. It is one of the most popular forms of physical activity both in the Yarra Ranges and Australia wide. Walking is low impact, requires no equipment (just a comfortable pair of shoes) and can be done at any time and at any pace.

Health benefits of walking

Walking has many health benefits. Along with the physical benefits, walking is great for social connection and independence and can also help reduce your carbon footprint. 


Just 30 mins of regular physical activity 5 days a week can help:

  • Increase cardiovascular (heart) fitness. 

  • Improve mental wellbeing and levels of happiness.

  • Strengthen bones and improve balance.

  • Help manage weight, blood pressure and blood cholesterol.

  • Help prevent and control diabetes.

  • Reduce the risk of developing some cancers


Make walking part of your routine

Some suggestions to include walking into your daily routine include:

  • Walk rather than drive to the local shops.

  • Walk the kids to school.

  • Walk to catch public transport or when using public transport, get off at the stop before your regular destination and walk the remainder.

  • Invite a friend or family member to join you for a daily walk.

  • Make a family outing and explore a new park or different neighbourhood.

  • Take the stairs instead of the lift/escalator.

  • Take your dog, or a friend’s dog for a walk.

  • Schedule a walking meeting with colleagues.

  • Join a walking club


More about Walking in the Yarra Ranges

Art and Sole Logo Design

Art and Sole Logo Design

Created by Wurundjeri Elder Aunty Kim Wandin

The yellow and red flower represents a visiting site on Country. The style of the petals are inspired by William Barak’s designs, as are the wavy line with circles. Aunty Kim is using them to represent water and journey. 

The footprints (child and adult) represent sharing of knowledge through generations along the walking trail.


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