The Kilsyth Centenary Pool is permanently closed following a decision made at a Council Meeting in October 2023.
Council is committed to keeping Kiloran Park as open space.
When it was built, Kilsyth Centenary Pool was at the height of aquatics facilities, however it no longer meets today’s expectations or accessibility requirements.
The cost to renovate to meet today’s standards is prohibitive and Council needs to make the right decision on where to invest in aquatics facilities for the municipality as a whole.
The facility needed an estimated $6,000,000 for the pool to potentially reopen. However, given the age and condition of the facility, this investment would only provide a limited number of years of operation before additional investment would be needed.
The facility also did not meet the accessibility requirements for all users.
Since the closure in March 2023 significant effort has been made to accommodate the users impacted.
The dome structure at Kilsyth pool has a significant environmental impact due to the permeability of the dome structure.
It was the highest user of all Council utilities/aquatics facilities representing 42.3% of total emissions and costing $449,991 per year.
In addition, the pool was leaking approximately 100,000L of water every week and the water needed to be replaced until the facility was closed.
75 Hawthory Road, Kilsyth 3137 View Map
75 Hawthory Road , Kilsyth 3137