Next date: Wednesday, 09 April 2025 | 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Get moving this April with our FREE Active April Scavenger hunt walk at Birdsland. Explore your local community and enjoy a fun activity over the school holidays with the whole family. Complete the scavenger hunt activity sheet to go in the draw to win a prize! Ready, set, explore - let's make April unforgettable! We can't wait to see all your little explorers in action! What to bring: - Hat - Sunscreen - Drink bottle - Comfortable shoes - If you would like to stay for a picnic lunch bring your picnic blanket and something to eat. **In the event of rain, the scavenger hunt will be rescheduled. Please make sure that you leave a contact number so that we can notify all participants of the new date and time.
Birdsland, 271 Mt Morton rd, Belgrave Heights, Belgrave Heights, 3160, View Map
271 Mt Morton rd, Belgrave Heights , Belgrave Heights 3160
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Enter your email address or your friend's email addresses all separated by commas.