Next date: Friday, 06 June 2025 | 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM
MEERTA: Rise Up! The Ballad of James Arden brings together a deadly team of artists led by accomplished singer songwriter David Arden. MEERTA is a creative musical performance of powerful truth telling and warm heartfelt theatre.
MEERTA: Rise Up! The Ballad of James Arden tells the story of Dave’s Great Grandfather James Arden, & the Gunditjmara People– a story of identity, urban & tribal life, friendship, repatriation, racism, freedom & fighting for your rights. MEERTA is an opportunity for audiences to learn firsthand about First Nations, people & history.
MEERTA’s songs and visuals tell the story of The Arden family and the Gunditjmara People. In 1916, Dave’s Great Grandfather James Arden made a stand for Gunditjmara people, to fight for their rights, against the missionaries & the station manager who controlled the movement of the Gunditjmara tribe, he was an activist of his time. He was a tribal man born on the lands of Gariwerd, where his lore, his dreaming, and his cultural ways and traditional country were important to his identity. He was taken from his country to Lake Condah and Framlingham missions. Stories like James Arden's must be told.
As a talented songman David Arden is continuing his cultural responsibility, healing community & sharing culture through music. Dave a Gunditjmara/Kokatha Songman & Storyteller is a highly experienced & accomplished First Nations musician who has collaborated and performed with some of Australia's most highly regarded musicians. He has had many highlights in his successful career as a musician.
David was the front man for the Koori Youth Band and has worked with many of the great first nation acts from Hard Time Band, Archie Roach and the Altogether Band, Bart Willoughby and Mixed Relation Band. David was a key guitarist and vocalist with Uncle Archie Roach, David has toured with the late Archie and Ruby, both nationally and internationally, performing his own song “So Young” on Archie's second album Jamu Dreaming. The Late Uncle Archie Roach AM has commented on David’s talent "David has the sweetest rhythms & he has a perfect ear on the guitar. His use of dynamics is simply brilliant. He is one of the finest guitarists in Australia, he treats not only his own music with incredible respect, but other peoples’ music too & it shows“
Dave will be collaborating with professional non-Aboriginal musicians to tell his story. The show will include stunning visual projections & artwork created by Dixon Patten that will amplify the poignancy of Dave’s original compositions. The show is inspired by all those who have gone before on this ancestral land, along with Dave’s own life experiences, to help audiences understand past injustices & promote cultural understanding.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and all peoples should be aware that MEETRA - Rise Up! The Ballad of James Arden and the associated songs, artworks, videos & website may contain the images, voices and or/ names of people who have passed away. Dave Arden and family has respectfully consulted widely with family and community for appropriate use of images and in some circumstances where this may not have been possible, we acknowledge It can cause deep distress and sadness for family members, extended family members, communities and peoples associated with the deceased. Upon request we will respectfully remove any images that may cause any individual family or community member distress or discomfort.
The Memo Healesville, 235 Maroondah Highway, Healesville, 3777, View Map
235 Maroondah Highway , Healesville 3777
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$42 Full $38 Concession $36 Group 6+ $19 Under 26
Phone: 1300 368 333
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