Gardens for harvest Interested in growing vegetables at home? Gardens for Harvest provides resources, information and training for people wanting to grow their own vegetables or increase their harvest.
Sustainable business We support businesses to operate sustainably while cutting costs and boosting productivity. Find out more about our sustainable business programs.
Gardens for Wildlife Free program open to Yarra Ranges residents to help them create an area in their garden to support local wildlife.
Sustainable Environment Advisory Committee The committee provides Yarra Ranges Council with informed and constructive advice, input and support to help guide the Council on environmental sustainability issues and initiatives relevant to the management and stewardship of the natural environment within the municipality.
Healthy Waterways Learn about the Yarra Strategic Plan, Tanks for Platypus, the Yering Billabong Project, River to the Bay Stencil Kits and more.
Environmental webinars Watch webinars on a range of topics to learn more about the Yarra Ranges; its flora and fauna and Council projects.
Community gardens Learn more about where to find and how to access community gardens in the Yarra Ranges.
Biochar Facility The biochar facility at the Lysterfield Transfer Station turns woody waste such as prunings and branches into a carbon-rich form of charcoal. The end product is for sale for use as a soil improver.
Help keep the Yarra Ranges Fruit Fly Free! The Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) is a native fly from northern Australia that has become a serious horticultural pest. As Melbourne’s average climate is becoming warmer, QFF is becoming an increasing risk to both local horticultural industries and backyard fruit and veggie growers.
My Energy and Water Saver Kit Did you know you can borrow energy efficiency kits from your local library? These kits will help you understand how you can better improve the energy and water efficiency of your home.
Microgrid Projects Yarra Ranges Council has partnered with Monash University and Birdwood Energy to conduct a feasibility study on powering two communities using microgrids or an Active Energy Precinct.
Environmental Newsletter and Resources Sign up to receive our bi-monthly environmental newsletter or download our Greener Living Information Book.