Apply for an excess animal permit

You may require a permit if you want to keep certain animals depending on the type of animal, how many you want to keep and where you live. 

A permit has an annual fee and a renewal notice is sent or emailed to the licensee.  

Complete the online form to check your requirements and apply for a permit.

You do not require an excess animal permit if:

  • You have a planning permit related to your animals
  • If you have a domestic animal business permit

Check your requirements and apply for an animal permit using one of the methods below.


Complete the online form to check your requirements and apply for a permit

Where a permit is required, you will be ale to apply online and pay securely using a Visa or Mastercard. Please note you will need to provide the name, breed and registration tag number for your animals.

Check requirements & apply online


Step 1.Download and complete an Animal Permit Application

The Animal Permit Application form is available for you to download and print online.(PDF, 189KB)

If you are eligible for a concession you will need to provide a copy of an eligible concession card.

Eligible concession cards include: 

  • Pensioner Concessioon Card
  • Veteran Gold Card

pension card veteran card.png

Step 2.Return the form by mail

Return the form to PO Box 105 Lilydale 3140