Apply for an excess animal permit

You may require a permit if you want to keep certain animals depending on the type of animal, how many you want to keep and where you live. 

A permit has an annual fee and a renewal notice is sent or emailed to the licensee.  

Complete the online form to check your requirements and apply for a permit.

You do not require an excess animal permit if:

  • You have a planning permit related to your animals
  • If you have a domestic animal business permit

Apply for an animal permit using one of the methods below.


Complete your application online

Apply online and pay securely using a Visa or Mastercard. Please note you will need to provide the name, breed and registration tag number for your animals.

Apply online


Step 1.Download and complete an Animal Permit Application

The Animal Permit Application form is available for you to download and print online.(PDF, 189KB)

If you are eligible for a concession you will need to provide a copy of an eligible concession card.

Eligible concession cards include: 

  • Pensioner Concessioon Card
  • Veteran Gold Card

pension card veteran card.png

Step 2.Return the form by mail

Return the form to PO Box 105 Lilydale 3140