Short stay accommodation

Local laws have recently changed regarding short term accommodation. The introduction of a Short Term Accommodation provision is aimed to protect our neighbourhoods from anti-social behaviours and amenity issues caused by short stay properties.

Owners of land who provide short stay accommodation are guilty of an offence if, during any period of 12 months, three or more complaints which are made in good faith are received by Council to the effect that: 

  • persons on the land have caused a nuisance


  • persons on the land are demonstrating anti-social behaviour that has unduly interfered with the use and enjoyment of another residential premises.

Short stay accommodation FAQ's

I want to make a complaint about a short stay accomodation

To make a complaint relating to a Short Stay Accommodation property, please call our Customer Experience team on 1300 368 333 or email

Noise complaints

Noise nuisances occurring after hours (5.00pm – 8.00am) are to be reported to Victoria Police.

Yarra Ranges Council should also be notified of any noise nuisances occurring. This will result in the Community Safety Team following up with the Short Stay Accommodation owner the next business day. 

Parking complaints

Parking issues are to be reported to Yarra Ranges Council to investigate.

Please note: If a parked car is blocking access or causing an immediate risk, please contact Victoria Police. 

What penalties apply for not complying with the Local Law?

Where a Council Officer has found three or more complaints with supporting evidence have been made against the Short Stay Accommodation property, the property owner may be issued an Infringement to the value of $1,000 or the matter may proceed to court.

Do I need to register with Council to operate a Short Stay Accommodation property?

The Local Law does not include a registration requirement for Short Stay Accommodation properties. However, properties may be required to register as “prescribed accommodation” under the Public Health and Wellbeing (prescribed accommodation) Regulations.

Houses and self-contained apartments will generally be exempt from registration where they are under the exclusive occupation of their occupier or where there are not more than five occupants (other than family of the proprietor) accommodated.

To check if your Short Stay Accommodation property requires registration, please call our Health Department on 1300 368 333.

Do I need to provide a designated contact person for my Short Stay Accommodation property?

Council recommend you provide a contact person and phone number for neighbouring properties to use when wanting to report nuisance occupier behaviour occurring at the property.

How do I report a noise nuisance?

Noise nuisances occurring after hours (5.00pm – 8.00am) are to be reported to Victoria Police.

Yarra Ranges Council should also be notified of any noise nuisances occurring. This will result in the Community Safety Team following up with the Short Stay Accommodation owner the next business day. 

How do I report a parking issue?

Parking issues are to be reported to Yarra Ranges Council to investigate.

Please note: If a parked car is blocking access or causing an immediate risk, please contact Victoria Police.

How can I reduce the chance of complaints being made about my Short Stay Accommodation property?

Council recommend the following to reduce the likelihood of complaints being made against the Short Stay Accommodation property:

  • Appropriate vetting and screening of potential occupants;
  • Collect contact details of occupants before accepting booking;
  • Changes to online advertising and terms and conditions;
  • Providing neighbouring properties with a direct contact person and phone number to call if any issues arise;
  • Consider employing a security company to be available to respond immediately when notified of a noise nuisance occurring;
  • Notify occupants that noise issues will be actively monitored and where there is disturbance of peace, they may be asked to leave immediately;
  • Where possible enclose balconies or install blinds/screens to reduce  line of sight and noise spill;
  • Introduce yourself and develop a good relationship with neighbours that live near the property.

We recommend providing a letter to your neighbours notifying them of your intention to provide short stay accomodation. Download our sample letter.(PDF, 485KB)

What happens if Council receive complaints about my Short Stay Accommodation property?

Council’s Community Safety Team will investigate all reported complaints and gather any relevant evidence.

Council will work with Short Stay Accommodation property owners when reports are made.

Enforcement action will not be taken until such time as a third complaint has been made with supporting evidence. 

Can Council provide me with contact details of the Short Stay Accommodation owner?

Council is unable to provide the contact details for the Short Stay Accommodation property owner under the Privacy Act.

If a complaint is received regarding this property, Council will investigate the matter and make contact with the owner.