Trader Parking Permit

Note - Only businesses located in the Thomas Ave and the Warburton Highway precinct are eligible for Trader Parking Permits

Traders who meet the eligibility criteria are able to apply for a permit on behalf of staff associated with the business. The permit allows holders to: 

  • Park in dedicated trader permit areas for free (unrestricted). 
  • Park for free in general paid parking restricted areas (time restrictions apply)

While the trader permits offer parking flexibility, they do not guarantee a parking space and do not exempt permit holders from other road rules such as parking time restrictions.  

Check if you're eligible

To be eligible for a Trader Parking Permit your business must: 

  • Be located within Thomas Avenue and Warburton Highway parking zone.
  • Be a registered Australian Business Number (ABN) or a registered Business Name and/or registered company with the appropriate licence, registration or other approval required by law relevant to the business type.
  • Be a person entitled to make application on behalf of the business.
  • Be a business is not linked to a residence within the same property.
  • Have no access to other private parking areas.

Businesses will be responsible for applying and managing permits on behalf of their staff (i.e. individual staff do not need to apply). 

Applications will be individually considered by Yarra Ranges Council, successful businesses will be asked to provide the relevant vehicle number in a Statutory Declaration. 

While we make every effort to make Trader Parking as widely available as possible we are unable to guarantee a permit will be granted. 

Gather supporting documents

To qualify for a Trader Parking Permit you will need to provide proof of business occupancy at the address for which you are seeking a permit.

You will need to provide at least one of the following documents with your application:
  • Current commercial lease (must be signed and in the business name) OR
  • Rates notice (in the business name) OR
  • Recent utility invoice (issued in last 3 months, in the business’ name).
Are there enough dedicated parking bays for impacted traders?

Council engaged with the impacted traders to understand the needs for dedicated trader parking spaces.

Over 50 private parking spaces are available behind businesses on Thomas Avenue. In addition to this, there are more than 100 free, unrestricted parking bays within walking distance to the businesses. On this basis an additional 22 dedicated trader parking bays have been identified to meet the needs of local traders.

Council will closely monitor trader feedback and parking occupancy throughout the trial. If needed, adjustments may be made, including increasing trader bays if demand is high or reducing them if they are under-utilised.