Do Yarra Ranges residents need to pay to park in Warburton?

No - if you are a resident in Yarra Ranges you can park for free in Warburton but you must have a permit.

How does it work?

Resident permits are electronic - there will be no stickers or signs for your vehicles.

Your license plate will be recorded in the system, so if you park in a paid space on weekends or public holidays, our enforcement team will be notified, and you won’t receive a fine.

Supporting Documents

You will need to provide supporting information that you live at a Yarra Ranges address and that your vehicle is linked to your address or name (maximum of three vehicles per property). Permits are not linked to a person - they are linked to a vehicle registration number and address.

You will need to upload only one document from this list (this can be a photo/screenshot/scan/upload):

  • Driver's licence, or
  • Rates Notice, or 
  • Utility bills (eg electricity/phone/water), or
  • Leasing agreement, or
  • Property purchase agreement, or
  • Vehicle purchasing agreement.

You will also need to upload only one document from the list below (this can be a photo/screenshot/scan/upload):

  • Car insurance policy/claim, or
  • Vehicle Registration Certificate, or
  • Registration Renewal Notice, or
  • Car Leasing Agreement, or
  • Any other document confirming your vehicle is registered under your name or your address.

If the vehicle is owned by a company, you will be required to provide documents proving lawful use of the vehicle.

If the pilot is successful, you can renew your permit, which will be valid for two years from the date the application is granted.

Visit the Residents Parking Permit Page for more information if needed.

Why can’t you just post me my permit?

We want to ensure that parking remains free for all our residents, whether you're a homeowner or a renter. 

Not all ratepayers live in the Yarra Ranges, so sending permits with rates wouldn't work for everyone. Additionally, not all residents need or want a permit for parking in Warburton, our process allows us to provide permits only to those who request them. 

I have more than three vehicles – what do I do about permits?

Contact Council on 1300 368 333 – we will discuss your needs with you and assess each request for more than three permits on a case-by-case basis.

Can I have multiple cars on one permit?

No, each permit is linked to just one vehicle. If you have more than one car, you’ll need a separate permit for each.

To do this – log into the portal, click Apply for a Permit and add another car. Alternatively, you can ask our friendly staff at the links to do so or call our dedicated permit line on1300 456 050.

When and where is the visitor paid parking and how much does it cost?

Visitor paid parking starts on 3 May 20205 and will operate between 9am-5pm on weekends and public holidays. It is located at:

  • Warburton Highway – first hour free then $6 per hour
  • Thomas Avenue - $3.50 per hour
  • Station Street - $3.50 per hour
  • Water World – $6 per hour

For more information on different parking options visit the Warburton Parking page

When will the visitor paid parking commence?

The Visitor paid parking pilot project starts on 3 May 2025 and concludes in July 2026. Once the pilot has concluded, Council will review the project to see if it will continue.


What about local business and traders permits?

Businesses owners who meet eligibility criteria will be able to apply for permit on behalf of staff associated with the business. 

The Trader Permits will allow holders to: 

  • Park in dedicated trader permit area for free (time unrestricted). 
  • Park for free in general paid parking restricted areas (Users are still required to obey the time restrictions applied.)

While the trader permits offer flexibility with parking, they do not guarantee a parking space and do not exempt permit holders from other road rules such as parking time restrictions.  

Please note
Business and Trader Parking Permits only relate to businesses located in the Thomas Ave and the Warburton Highway precinct where changes are being made.

Check if you are eligible

To be eligible for a Trader Parking Permit your business must: 

  • Be located within Thomas Avenue and Warburton Highway parking zone.
  • Be a registered Australian Business Number (ABN) or a registered Business Name and/or registered company with the appropriate licence, registration or other approval required by law relevant to the business type.
  • Be a person entitled to make application on behalf of the business.
  • Be a business is not linked to a residence within the same property.
  • Have no access to other private parking areas.

Businesses will be responsible for applying and managing permits on behalf of their staff (i.e. individual staff do not need to apply). 

Applications will be individually considered by Yarra Ranges Council, successful businesses will be asked to provide the relevant vehicle number in a Statutory Declaration.  

Gather supporting documents
To qualify for a Trader Parking Permit you will need to provide proof of business occupancy at the address for which you are seeking a permit.

You will need to provide at least one of the following documents with your application:
  • Current commercial lease (must be signed and in the business name) or
  • Rates notice (in the business name) or
  • Recent utility invoice (issued in last 3 months, in the business’ name).
Complete your permit application

Once you've gathered your supporting information, you can apply online by completing the application form.




Why was Warburton chosen for the pilot?

Council is piloting visitor paid parking in Warburton in response to ongoing feedback and concerns raised by community members and local businesses in Warburton in relation to parking. 

Implementation of this pilot program aims to:

  • Encourage vehicle turnover
  • Provide equitable access to parking facilities
  • Improve visitor experience
  • Improve liveability for local community
  • Increase revenue opportunities for local businesses

In 2022, Council approved the Integrated Transport Strategy, which outlines our commitment to improving parking across the region. Council has taken a number of actions to resolve the problem. These included increased enforcement and a review of existing parking restrictions. With tourism visits to the Yarra Ranges predicted to double over the next decade, Council's next step is to test visitor paid parking. 


I have an accessible parking permits (formerly Disabled Parking Permits) do I pay?

No - people with an Accessible Parking Permit (formerly Disabled Parking Permits) clearly displayed do not have to pay to park in any location in Warburton.


What technology will be used to improve the traffic and parking situation in Warburton?

Council intends to pilot several parking technology initiatives, including: 

  • Parking signs with wayfinding features that make it easier for cars to find parking spaces. These signs usually indicate the amount of parking spaces available or the direction to follow in real time using clear symbols, arrows, and occasionally even dynamic displays.  

  • In-ground parking sensors that track the presence or absence of cars in certain spots and transmit that data to electronic signs that direct traffic to the closest open space  

  • Cameras equipped with licence plate recognition technology (LPR) can read the registration numbers of cars to find out how many are parked in a lot, how long they've been there, and if they have a permit. 

How does it work?

Station Street and Waterworld will use static Licence Plate Recognition Cameras. This will recognise and count vehicle licence plates upon entry and exit and allow us to display the number of available parking spaces on a digital wayfinding sign for visitors - similar to what you might see in shopping centres. 

Thomas Avenue will use sensors to identify the available number of parking bays. The number of available parking spaces will also be displayed on digital wayfinding signs. 

Warburton Highway will be managed as usual, through enforcement. 

Visitor paid parking applies at weekends and public holidays between 9am-5pm only. There are no payments on weekdays for visitors or residents.

If you are a resident and have a permit or your permit status is pending – you will be able to park in those areas for free. As permits are digital, you don’t need to do anything extra – there will be no paper permits. 

If you don’t have a permit – there is alternative parking available within the town or you can pay to parking to avoid a potential fine. 

Visitors will be able to pay for parking via meters, QR codes or by downloading the PayStay app.


How can I pay to park?

These are the payment methods:

You cannot use cash at the meters. All payments will be taken through credit/debit card. This is to reduce the risk of vandalism, streamline operations, and align with modern payment trends. 


Will there be any free or long-term parking options in Warburton?

Yes. In Warburton over 100 parking places will remain free with most of them being long term parking.

Visit the Warburton Parking page for more information.


I'm a resident and I didn't know I was exempt.

Residents can apply for their permit from 17 March 2025. Further details are on the Residents Parking Permit page.

Visitor Paid Parking will start from 3 May 2025 and there will be a two week 'grace' period where no fines will be issued.

Local residents will be provided with reminders about the visitor paid parking pilot and information on how to apply for a permit.

Council will issue information via post, through the rates notice, local newspaper, social media, website and in Warburton itself about the pilot project.

There will also be signs on the parking meters and generally around the town with QR codes so people can apply while in Warburton - alternatively there are other free parking options around the town. Check out the Warburton Parking Map for other options. 


Is CCTV used in the paid parking pilot?

The cameras used are not CCTV cameras. They are Licence Plate Recognition cameras that do not record video and are used solely for the purpose of capturing vehicle registration plates via photos, upon entry and exit of the car parks.


How will my data and privacy be protected?

Yarra Ranges Council complies with Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and other applicable information security policies, standards, and guidelines. 

Council and our service provider do not collect, use or disclose any of your sensitive information. We only collect personally identifiable information to validate your name, residential address, and vehicle registration for the sole purpose of providing an ePermit.

These documents are then deleted within the next business day of your permit application being sighted and approved. The system doesn’t scan or store your information.



Is this a revenue raising exercise?

Yarra Ranges residents are bearing the cost every year for maintaining Council infrastructure, such as car parks, pathways, public toilets, playgrounds, BBQs, and furniture, as well as other services like grass mowing, tree management, and township cleaning. 

Visitor paid parking allows residents and visitors to the Yarra Ranges to continue enjoying our townships while more fairly distributing the costs associated with maintaining these areas as any revenue made from the paid parking pilot program will be reinvested back into the local community and infrastructure.  

Along with Visitor Paid Parking, there have been a number of changes for parking in Warburton in line with in Council’s Integrated Transport Strategy which aims at improving parking outcomes across the municipality.

Will there be a 'grace' period?

Residents can apply for their permit from 17 March 2025 via the Residents Parking Permit page.

Visitor Paid Parking will start from 3 May 2025 and there will be a two week 'grace' period where no fines will be issued.

Local residents will be provided with reminders about the visitor paid parking pilot and information on how to apply for a permit.

Council will issue information via post, through the rates notice, local newspaper, social media, website and in Warburton itself about the pilot project.

There will also be signs on the parking meters and generally around the town with QR codes.

How will I know if I’ve received a parking fine?

You'll be notified of a parking fine in one of two ways:

  1. You'll find a ticket on your car's windscreen, OR
  2. We'll post the fine to your vehicle's registered address.

Will parking inspectors also be around to help if people are parked illegally?

Parking Officers have always been out and about in person ensuring vehicles are parking in a safe and fair way. Parking Officers also now use camera technology to assist in their work as they conduct patrols. 

When infringements are posted to the home, this is normally due to the Officers inability to issue notices safely and/or not cause additional traffic issues. 

Wherever possible, Officers will put infringement notices onto windscreens, so people are aware that they have been issued with a fine as soon as possible. 

If vehicles are parked in a way that Council deems to be dangerous to the public, they can and will be removed and impounded.

How will the review be undertaken at the end of the pilot project?

There are three main objectives for this pilot project: 

  • improve traffic flow in the township, 
  •  monitor parking turnover for businesses and  
  •  share the cost of local asset maintenance with visitors.  

The review will examine the impact on local businesses, tourist and spending data, parking occupancy numbers, enforcement data and community feedback. 

This review will be presented at a Council Meeting and made publicly available to the community. 

Who will be involved in the making of the final decision if paid parking stays?

As with many pieces of Council work – the organisation will provide a report to the Councillors which will be presented at a Council meeting some time in 2026.  

This report will include details around the impact on local businesses and tourist/spending data, parking occupancy numbers, enforcement numbers and feedback from the community and it will provide councillors with some recommendations. 

The final decision around the future of paid parking in Yarra Ranges will be made by the nine Councillors.

This information and meetings are open to the public.  Community members are welcome to attend Council meetings to stay informed.  


If a decision is made not to go ahead – what will the cost be?

If a decision is made not to proceed with paid parking in Warburton, the cost of removing the equipment will be minimal. The process of removing paid parking meters is quick and can be completed within 1-2 days. 

If paid parking does not continue, many of the implemented measures will still be helpful, such as the monitoring of available spaces and signage indicating where spaces are available will remain useful. 


The internet isn’t great in Warburton – what if these meter that connect to the internet don’t work?

We have been assured by our provider that the connectivity for the parking meters will be reliable.  

However, to ensure convenience, the meters also provide information for making payments over the phone as an alternative option.  

All payment options are clearly displayed on the meters.