Burning off

No burning off during Fire Danger Period 

The Fire Danger Period for Yarra Ranges has commenced at 1am Monday 23 December 2024. 

During the Fire Danger Period you cannot light a fire in the open air unless you have a written permit. You can check if you require a permit online through the Fire Permits Victoria website.

Lighting a fire in the open without a permit is an offence and can bring a penalty of over $21,800 and/or 12 months imprisonment.

Find out more about the Fire Danger Period on the CFA website.


Alternative methods of fuel reduction

Council recommend that open air burning is the last resort for fuel reduction. Find out more about alternate methods for fuel reduction.


Apply for a burning off permit

Businesses or individuals who need to use fire in the open air to conduct their work or activity during the Fire Danger Period may require a permit. Find out more about applying for a burning off permit.


Apply for a change of burning off category

You can request that Council review your property's burning off category. Find out more about requesting to change your burning off category.


Wood heaters, burning off and air quality

Smoke from wood heaters and fireplaces can pollute the air. Find out more about wood heaters, burning off and air quality.