Home, Retail, Road & Tourism signage

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We maintain safety, advisory, directional and street signs. If you see a damaged or incorrect sign, please report it online or call us on 1300 368 333.

Signs for businesses

Eligible businesses can apply to have signs placed on roadside reserves. Written consent (a sign permit) is required from the relevant coordinating road authority before placing a sign on a road.

We determine the eligibility of businesses using the VicRoads Signing Guidelines(PDF, 5MB). Please review these guidelines to ensure your business is eligible. Applications for signs on major roads and state arterials must also be referred to the Deparmtent of Transport for final approval. 

Successful applicants will assume full responsibility of their sign.

Applicants bear all costs related to the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of the sign. 

Apply for a sign

Types of private signs


Sign maintenance FAQ's


 You can find more information about the road maintenance program here.

If you need to report an issue with a road click here or you can report an issue with a sign here.