The Victorian Government has introduced changes to help make it easier to build a small second home. These changes affect all planning schemes and the building regulations.
Victoria Planning Provisions, all planning schemes and the building regulations.
In the past, small second homes had to go through the same planning process as large second homes and other multi-dwelling developments.
Siting, design and amenity requirements will still apply to small second homes.
To make sure we're keeping everyone safe, a planning permit will be required in areas where there are potential bushfire, flooding or other hazards.
Floor area must be 60sqm or less
Must be on the same lot as an existing home
Must be only one small second home on a lot
Must have a kitchen, bathroom and toilet
No car parking spaces required
Anyone can live in it or rent it out
Must not be subdivided from the main home
Must not be connected to a reticulated natural gas supply
Siting, design and amenity requirements apply, including minimum garden area
You can learn more about the second dwellings by visiting:
• Not required in a residential zone if the lot is 300sqm or more
• Not required in the Farming Zone, Rural Activity Zone and Rural Living Zone if specified requirements are met
• Planning permit may be required in other zones
• Not required in a Heritage Overlay, Design and Development Overlay or Neighbourhood Character Overlay if specified requirements are met, including building height less than 5m and finished in muted colours
• Planning permit may be required in other overlays
• Always required for a small second home