Repairing your home

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There are no planning or septic tank permit fees for residents who need to rebuild following the June 2021 storms.

Every damaged building is different. For advice, please contact the Planning Rebuilding Recovery Team on 9294 6999. 

If you are repairing a small proportion of a storm damaged section of your home, carport, garage or shed you may not require a planning permit although it is worth checking before undertaking works.

Repairs may include replacing sections of roof sheeting/tiles, guttering, windows and deck/verandah balustrades. The building must be repaired using the same type of materials as the damaged section. It does not involve the entire replacement of the building materials.

There may be some examples where the repairs may require a planning permit, for example, if there is a Heritage Overlay applied to your property.

If you are considering increasing or changing your dwelling in the rebuild process, it is likely that a planning permit is required. You are not able to rely on previous planning approvals to rebuild any damaged structures.

You will require a building permit if structural works are required. A member of Council’s building team or a private building surveyor can advise you if this is the case.  

Please note, Council does not issue building permits - you will need to employ the services of a private Building Surveyor - you can check if your surveyor/builder is registered on the VBA website .

Some insurers will cover the cost of building permit fees. Check your insurance policy to see if you are covered.