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If your proposed work is within 15 metres of a tree or will result in the removal, destruction and lopping of trees protected under the planning scheme you will be required to submit an arborist report.
Even if you are not intending to remove a tree, you may still impact a tree that is close to the proposed works (within 15 metres). The Tree Protection Zone is the area required by the tree to ensure that it remains viable in the long term.
The Tree Protection Zone varies depending on the size of the tree. The radius of the Tree Protection zone is calculated by multiplying the diameter of the trunk 1.4m above the ground by 12. If you are proposing to do works within the Tree Protection Zone, the tree may be impacted and an arborist report is required.
An arborist report is a document that is written by a suitably qualified arborist that assesses the trees on site and any neighbouring or roadside trees that may be impacted by the development. Impacts from the development of the house, outbuildings, driveway, septic system and defendable space and any landscaping/earthworks must be considered.
This arborist report should provide for each tree:
The report should also include a map with the accurate location of each tree and its TPZ and SRZ, and the name and qualifications of the assessing arborist.
There is no set fee for engaging an arborist. This is something you will need to negotiate with them during your initial discussions.