Check the progress of your application Enter an application number, address or suburb to track the progress of a current application, make an objection or view details of applications already decided.
Change a planning application in progress (Section 50/57A) If a decision has not yet been made, you can apply to amend your application. (Section 50 & 57A)
Apply to amend your planning permit Apply to make changes to your permit, existing plans and/or conditions (Section 72 or secondary consent).
End or amend a 173 Agreement The process for ending or amending a Section 173 Agreement and what to include with your application.
VCAT review If your application is refused, you are unhappy with the conditions added to the permit or the application is not complete in time, you can lodge a review with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
Drainage and other building information to consider Information and resources for other things you may need to consider when building or developing land, including drainage, waste water, build permits, and more