Apply to amend or end a Section 173 Agreement

You can apply to amend or end a Section 173 Agreement on a land title.

Depending on the complexity of the agreement, the amending/ending proposal will be dealt with by council officers and may be referred to council’s solicitors if required.

Interested parties to the Section 173 Agreement may be notified of the proposal, as applicable.

If the proposal to amend or end a Section 173 Agreement is supported, you will be issued with a letter of council's decision and either a Form 22 or Form 23 for you to take to Land Victoria (formerly the Land Titles Office) to register.

Section 178(A-I) of the Planning & Environment Act 1987 sets out the process for a proposal to amend or end a Section 173 Agreement.


Step 1.Review process for ending or amending a Section 173 Agreement

Make sure you are familiar with the process for ending or amending a Section 173 Agreement. Find information about this process online.

Step 2.Gather supporting documents and resources

To submit your application form to end or amend a Section 173 Agreement you will need to include:

  • A copy of title that is no more than 100 days old
  • A copy of the 173 Agreement
  • An outline of the reasons for amending/ending the Section 173 Agreement
  • A company search that is no more than 100 days old (if the land is owned by a company)

Step 3.Submit your application

Submit your application online