Protecting neighbouring properties

Tradesmen working on construction site next to neighbouring properties

If you are intending to carry out building works, you have an obligation under the building act to protect any adjoining/neighbouring properties from potential damage.

Protection works may be required if the building work is close to neighbouring properties.

If protection works are required, you must:

  • Notify affected neighbours by serving a Protection work notice (Form 7), prepared by your private building surveyor
  • Get appropriate insurance
  • Prepare a survey of adjoining properties
  • Pay expenses incurred

What rights and obligations do you have as a neighbour?

  • You must respond to the protection work notice within 14 days
  • Response can be requesting further information or agreeing/disagreeing with proposed work
  • Help the owner prepare the survey before work commences
  • Seek reimbursement from the property owner for any reasonable expenses incurred

Specific obligations should be directed to the relevant building surveyor.

Further information can be found on the Victorian Building Authority website.

What if I don’t know my neighbours?

We can provide you with details for neighbouring properties.

Submit a request for adjoining property ownership details