Having difficulty paying your rates?

If you are having difficulty paying your rates, Council can help.

Contact us on 1300 368 333 to discuss the following options before your payment is due or apply online below.  


Payment Plan

A payment plan can be made to assist you with making payments. Payments are made on a frequency and amount that suits your budget.

To set up a payment plan, scan the QR code on your rates notice or visit pay.yarraranges.vic.gov.au.

You’ll need to confirm your phone number, assessment number (as found on your rates notice) and the related property before you can set up a payment plan.

Once confirmed you will be able to review all payment options including payment plans and enter into the option that best suits you.

Please note: Council’s minimum requirement is for your payments over 12 months to cover your current rates and charges.

Set up a payment plan


Hardship Agreement

Customers who are in a position of hardship (financial or other) and unable to meet the terms of a payment plan may be eligible for a Hardship Agreement.

Hardship Agreements can be made through Council's Hardship Policy.

If ratepayers are eligible for a Hardship Agreement: 

  • Rates, Charges and Penalty Interest are deferred for 24 months
  • To avoid further financial stress, applicants should endeavour to reduce debts still outstanding within this time.
  • Debt Recovery Action is put on hold by Council.
  • Hardship Agreements that are due to expire, will be notified and required to re-apply to extend their hardship agreement.

Apply for a new hardship agreement 

Apply to extend your hardship agreement


What can happen if rates aren't paid?

  • All unpaid rates will incur a penalty interest rate of 10.00% per year after the payments due date. This applies to annual and both instalment payment methods.
  • You will continue paying penalty interest on overdue rates and charges until we have received full payment of the outstanding amount.
  • We may recover any outstanding amounts plus interest in a Magistrates court by suing for debt.
  • Under Section 181 of the Local Government Act 1989 we may dispose of property where these circumstances exist:
  • There are rates and charges (including enforcement costs and interest) which are more than three years overdue and;
  • There is no current arrangement for the payment of overdue rates and charges
  • There is a court order requiring payment or part payment of the overdue rates and charges


How will my payments be allocated?

Any payments you make on outstanding rates and charges will be allocated in this order:

  • Legal costs
  • Interest
  • Arrears
  • Current rates, charges and levies