If you are having difficulty paying your rates, Council can help. Contact us on 1300 368 333 to discuss the following options before your payment is due or apply online
Pay your rates online, with a direct debit or through an alternate payment method. Find information about when to pay and rate concessions.
You can now sign up to receive your rates digitally. Find out more about your options and sign up.
If you are having difficult paying your rates, Council can help. Apply for one of the arrangements online or call us for more information.
If you are a pensioner, you may be eligible for a rebate on your rates. Find information about eligibility and how to apply.
The value of your property is calculated every year and determines the amount you pay on your property rates.
Find information about how your rates and other charges are calculated.
Update your name and address online.
Notify us when you buy or sell a property to make sure rates and charges become the responsibility of the new owners.
Find information about how rate capping works and how it impacts your rate payments.
Stay up to date with all relevant information by visiting our webpage.