Visitor Paid Parking Pilot Project Coming to Warburton

The rates for the Visitor Paid Parking Pilot Project in Warburton were agreed at last night’s Council meeting. 
Visitor Paid Parking is due to start from 3 May 2025 at four locations in Warburton: 
  • Warburton Water World - $6 per hour 
  • Thomas Avenue - $3.50 per hour 
  • Warburton Highway by the shops - first hour free then $6 per hour 
  • Station Road - $3.50 per hour 
Visitors will need to pay to park between 9am-5pm at weekends and public holidays.  
This Pilot will conclude by July 2026 when there will be a review about any potential future use of visitor paid parking in the municipality. 
All residents in Yarra Ranges are eligible to apply for a permit which will be available from 17 March 2025. 
Residents must apply for a permit to ensure that they can park for free.  From 17 March 2025 applying for a permit can be done:  
  • On the phone
  • In person – at our Community Links or visit us at our information and permit application sessions being held on:  
    • Wednesday 26 March, 12pm-4pm, Warburton Art Centre 
    • Friday 28 March, 1pm - 5pm, Warburton Art Centre 
    • Tuesday 1 April, 3pm-7pm, Redwoods Centre, Warburton 
    • Thursday 3 April, 6pm-8pmKoha Caf, Warburton 
    • Sunday 6 April, 12pm-4pm, Warburton Art Centre 
These changes are being implemented to help ease congestion, provide fair parking for all and to share the financial load of maintaining and installing infrastructure which are used by our visitors as well as our community.  
Information about the project and the permit process are available on Council’s website, social media accounts and residents in around Warburton will receive a letter with details with details about how to register in March.  
There will also be newspaper adverts, signs at the meters and information will be included in the rates notice and via social media.  
Yarra Ranges Mayor Cr Jim Child said, “This Visitor Paid Parking Pilot Project is a major change for our residents and it’s important to take advantage of the variety of ways you can obtain your permit. And it’s important to ensure you get your permit so you don’t have to pay to park. 
“From 17 March - jumping online is probably the best way for our residents to get a permit as there are a couple of documents you will need – however officers will also be in Warburton at key times so I encourage residents to take advantage of that if you need assistance. 
“We know that many people want to visit Warburton over the weekend and on public holidays so that’s why we’re initiating paid parking for visitors between 9am-5pm on these days only. 
“Over the past year, Council officers have been working with local businesses to ensure that the timed parking signs help them with the turnover of visitors. This has also included dedicated parking and a permit system for traders in Warburton. 
“Our residents are bearing the cost every year for maintaining Council infrastructure, such as car parks, pathways, public toilets, playgrounds, BBQs, and furniture, as well as other services like grass mowing, tree management, and township cleaning.  
“Visitor paid parking allows residents and visitors to Warburton to continue enjoying our townships while more fairly distributing the costs associated with maintaining these areas,” said Cr Child. 
Revenue made from the visitor paid parking pilot program will be reinvested back into the local community and infrastructure.  
Please note that the resident’s permit only allows people to park for free – they do not allow residents to stay longer than the displayed time restrictions.  
As part of the pilot project, new signs, sensors and parking meters are being installed over coming weeks. 
Further information about the Visitor Paid Parking Project and Permits can be found at Paid Parking in Warburton.