Parking Management Framework endorsed
Published on 13 March 2025
The Framework formalises the existing approach to parking regulation, enforcement and priorities, aligning them with the goals of the Integrated Transport Strategy, and helping guide future decisions from Council about parking issues.
The aim of the document is for parking in the Yarra Ranges to provide equitable access to community facilities, while protecting the natural environment and preserving unique character of its towns and villages.
Read the endorsed framework
Yarra Ranges Mayor, Jim Child, said that parking had been an increasing issue in the region, with a growing population and significant increases in tourist traffic.
“We all know that we live in one of the most beautiful regions in Victoria, and we also know that wider Victoria, and our many international visitors know that, too,” Cr Child said.
“All you have to do is take a drive out to Healesville, Warburton, Monbulk, Lillydale Lake on a sunny weekend to see large groups of people coming to experience the things we enjoy about everyday life in the Yarra Ranges.
“Of course, this means that we need to have a strategic, detailed, thoughtful approach to parking as our flagship projects in ngurrak barring, the Warburton Mountain Bike Destination and the Yarra Valley Trail are completed which will result in more visitors to our region.
“This Framework guides us in the chamber, and the staff at Council, on how to make decisions on managing parking, and makes these decisions transparent for the community.
“I’d like to thank the community members who provided detailed feedback in August and September last year, helping us shape this document with expert analysis.”
Following community engagement, the document was updated with extra clarification on enforcement, supporting businesses, reducing disruptions for visitors and emphasis on education.
A Parking Overlay will be introduced as a planning tool, to manage car parking in local precincts, to identify parking requirements for specific areas and set parking restrictions accordingly.
The Framework’s endorsement coincides with the introduction of paid parking for non-Yarra-Ranges-residents on weekends and public holidays in Warburton, from May this year.
All Yarra Ranges residents will be able to apply for a permit from 17 March, to allow for free parking in paid parking spots, while visitors to the region will pay a fee to park in high-traffic areas, the proceeds of which will be reinvested into community projects.
The Framework clarifies that paid parking, like the project being introduced in Warburton, will mainly target high-tourist areas and will be reviewed to maintain affordability and availability of carparks.