Due to the public holiday, our community links will be closed on Monday, 10 March 2025.If you need to get in touch with Council, call 1300 368 333.
Healesville Community Renewable Energy is a group of passionate local volunteers whose goal is to transition Healesville into a net-zero town by 2027. They provide a range of services for the community, including home energy efficiency advice and education in renewable energy and systems. They aim to increase awareness of how local communities working together can impact climate change, increase community resilience and contribute to the reduction of the community’s carbon footprint. Find out more at healesvillecore.org.au
Repower The Dandenongs is a not-for-profit, not politically aligned community group that’s dedicated to renewable energy projects in the area. They provide residents with practical advice to reduce their carbon footprint, offer resident home energy assessments, and initiate and promote innovative community-based renewable energy projects. Find out more at repowerthedandenongs.org.au
A community group supported by the Warburton and Yarra Junction Community Banks. In 2018 they launched the Warburton Community Hydro system that includes a 100kW turbine that generates power from the water flow in Ythan Creek. For more information and to get involved in future projects, visit - upperyarra.net.au/upper-yarra-community-power
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