Landcare Volunteering


Landcare is a joint effort between the community, government and business to protect and repair our environment.

Landcare groups welcome volunteers to help with:

  • revegetation projects – weeding and planting
  • monitoring of fauna with cameras
  • plant identification and native plant propagation
  • supporting displays at festivals, forums & schools
  • administration, including bookkeeping, marketing and newsletters.

Find a Landcare group near you »

There are three Landcare networks across the shire comprising 16 groups. Check below to find a group that suits you.

Nangana Landcare Network
Contact: Jenny Lyndon (Network President)
Visit the Nangana Landcare Network website »

Northern Yarra Landcare Network
Contact: Rob Fallon (Network Facilitator)
Visit the Northern Yarra Landcare Network website »

Yarra Ranges Landcare Network
Contact: Corey McFadyen (Network Facilitator)
Visit the Yarra Ranges Landcare Network website »

Macclesfield Landcare Group
Contact: Ron Sawyer (President)
Visit the Macclesfield Landcare Group website »