Non-commercial and community groups can use banner poles to promote their event.
You can apply to book a banner pole for a maximum of two weeks.Each organisation is limited to one banner at each set of banner poles, and banners can only be displayed at a maximum of four locations at one time.
A permit period is from 9am Tuesday until 6pm Monday. Bookings should be made a minimum of two weeks in advance and can only be made up to six months ahead. Markets can only be promoted within one week leading up to the event.
Enrolment, recruitment and registration drives can only be promoted for a maximum of two weeks up to four times per calendar year, subject to availability.
You are responsible for installing and removing your banner. Council cannot accept responsibility for damage to banners or injury while installing, during the display period or while removing the banner.
All banners must be removed by 6pm Monday at the end of the permit period. Please note: If you do not remove your banner by the end of the period, we may remove it and leave it secured to the base of the pole for collection. We cannot accept responsibility for the banners during this time.
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