Healthy Ageing


1.  Healthy And Active Ageing Plan

The Healthy and Active Ageing Plan sets the strategic direction for Council over the next four years in planning towards ‘age-friendly’ communities that are designed to value the contribution of older people and ensure their access to all aspects of community life.  It outlines priority areas and helps guide the programs and services that Council provides to the community. 

Read about the Healthy and Active Ageing Plan

Healthy and Active Ageing Guide

The healthy and active ageing guide highlights the benefits of ageing well and keeping active, healthy, and involved in the broader community.

Read the Healthy and Active Ageing Guide(PDF, 913KB)

Download the Healthy Active Ageing Booklet(PDF, 1MB)

Healthy Ageing Directory

Sign up to the Healthy and Active Ageing Newsletter

2. Positive Ageing Network Group (PARG)

The PARG is a reference group that is made up of older adults who live in the Yarra Ranges.

The group is interested in healthy and active ageing, active retirement, healthy living, and social connections.

Members provide feedback to Council on its policies, plans and services. They also provide advice to Council in relation to communication, engagement, and consultation with older people, and assists Council in promoting the benefits of healthy and active ageing.

Council is encouraging residents from a variety of cultural backgrounds and geographic areas across Yarra Ranges to come forward and join the PARG.

The PARG meets every twelve weeks on a Thursday morning, from 10am - 12pm.

Reference Group members should be able to demonstrate:

  • Knowledge and understanding of the needs and issues affecting older people
  • An interest and involvement in local and/or broader affairs, advocacy, and networks of older people.

If you would like further information or you are interested in joining the PARG please contact Caroline Perry on 1300 368 333.

3. Ageism

Ageism is not benign or harmless. It is a big problem because it impacts on our confidence, quality of life, job prospects, health, and control over life decisions.

It is pervasive but often hidden.  It can distort our attitudes to older people and ageing and have profound negative impacts on our personal experience of growing older.  The impacts of ageism can prevent or limit us from contributing and participating in our communities – socially, economically, and as full citizens – and even impact our physical health and longevity.

As well as its individual impacts, ageism can also deny society the enormous range of benefits that can flow, economically and socially, from the full participation of older people.

Council is supporting EveryAGE Counts with its advocacy campaign aimed at tackling ageism against older Australians.

To find out more about ageism and what you can visit EveryAGE Counts.

4. Dementia Friendly Yarra Ranges

Yarra Ranges Council is committed to becoming a Dementia Friendly Community. People living with dementia are entitled to stay active and connected in their communities. They have a right to take part in the activities and services they enjoy. But maintaining these connections is not always easy.

With the support of our community, people living with dementia can continue to live the life they choose. They can engage in the activities that are important to them. 

Every business can ensure that people living with dementia are welcome, included and valued. Some changes to practices and the environment can help make local businesses more inclusive for people living with dementia.

Changes may include:

  • increasing the dementia awareness and communication skills of staff
  • improving the accessibility of signage and lighting
  • enhancing the readability of forms and documents.

To find out more about becoming Dementia Friendly visit Dementia Australia.

If you would like advice or assistance on making your business or club more dementia friendly, please contact Council on 1300 368 33 and speak to an officer from our Healthy Ageing Team.

5. Elder Abuse

Everyone has the right to live their lives free from abuse.

Respect older people and call out ageism, listen to older people and their carers and check in with vulnerable older people. Elder abuse is hard to picture, but it happens every day. What starts out small does not always stay that way for long.

What is elder abuse?

Elder abuse is any act which causes harm to an older person and is carried out by someone they know and trust such as a family member or friend. Abuse can be unintentional or deliberate. The harm caused to an older person may range from the unintended effects of poor care through to serious physical injury inflicted deliberately. Harm can also include emotional harm and financial loss including the loss of a home and belongings.

Any older person can be affected by elder abuse, and it is not uncommon for an older person to be affected by more than one type.

Signs a person may be experiencing elder abuse:

  • act fearfully or withdrawing
  • may be hungry, thirsty or has lost weight
  • show signs of stress, anxiety, or depression
  • may show signs of bruising or other physical injuries
  • unable to find money for basics such as food, clothing, and common bills.

What to do if you suspect elder abuse is occurring or you are experiencing elder abuse?

If you or someone you know is experiencing any form of elder abuse, you can discuss these concerns with a trusted family member, GP, or physician. For further information and for independent advice, contact one of the specialist organisations listed below.

How you can stop elder abuse

  • stay connected in the community
  • plan for future
  • seek independent advice
  • develop a support network of trusted friends and professionals
  • seek help

If you need help, ask for it as soon as possible. Abuse does not stop by itself.

Get help and assistance

Seniors Rights Victoria
Phone: 1300 368 821

Eastern Community Legal Centre
Phone: 9762 6235

Relationships Australia Victoria
Phone: 9261 8700