Guiding Principles for Housing and Homelessness

Council endorsed a set of Guiding Principles for Housing and Homelessness in 2020. These principles recognise the range of factors that contribute to housing challenges.

What are the Guiding Principles?

The principles state that Council recognises:
  • The urgency and extent of housing need and homelessness across the municipality. This is due to a shortfall of affordable rental accommodation.
  • The harms to the social and economic fabric of the community. This is from a shortage of affordable housing options for people living on lower incomes.
  • The complexity of needs and circumstances for residents who experience homelessness.
  • There is a spectrum of homelessness. This includes insecure rentals, caravan parks, couch surfing, rooming houses and rough sleeping.
  • The need for all inclusive services to support people to move out of long term homelessness. This includes mental health and family violence services.
  • The need for preventive action to halt the housing and homelessness crisis.
  • The need for high quality, well managed social housing to ensure stable and secure homes for all.
  • The strength of working in partnership to address housing and homelessness. 


How do we use these principles?

The Guiding Principles set out how Council can work to make a difference. We use these principles under:
  1. Advocacy
  2. Partnering with other local governments
  3. Council’s planning roles
  4. Supporting, partnering and facilitating community and agency led initiatives
  5. Prevention focused work
  6. Consideration of use of Council land


Read the full Guiding Principles for Housing and Homelessness

For more information on councils work in homelessness visit Social and Affordable Housing.